Make Your Breasts Bigger Naturally With These Foods
Curves, yes, curves are sexy. They make you feel good, and they’re a sign of health and fertility. Having healthy, perky breasts is something we ladies want. But not all of us want surgical breast augmentation.

Did you know you can grow bigger boobs naturally?
Yes, you definitely can! And it’s as simple as choosing what foods to eat. By focusing on healthy foods that contain phytoestrogens, we can consume nutrients that promote breast growth and health.
Let me explain phytoestrogens in a nutshell. Phytoestrogens are found in plants. They contain a noticeable amount of estrogen, which is needed for women’s health. Estrogen gives us that healthy glow and healthy skin, and it enhances our curves. Estrogen plays a huge role in the size of our breasts. These foods over time can enhance your cup one to two sizes.
Nuts are an excellent source of protein, and they can also increase breast size. Nuts are rich in vitamin B6 and increase circulation in the body. Some say eating nuts over time can cause weight gain, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Nuts are a good source of healthy fats, which we all need in our diet. These healthy fats translate into more curves and increased breast size. Next time you’re looking to snack on something healthy, grab some almonds or any type of nut you like. You’ll get a dose of good protein, and you’ll increase your bust size.
Nuts are a good source of healthy fats, which we all need in our diet. These healthy fats translate into more curves and increased breast size.
Flaxseed has so many benefits. For one, flaxseed helps to balance hormones so we’re not all crazy during our menstrual cycle. But it also helps plump up your boobs. Flaxseed contains this thing called lignans, which contain estrogen. When we consume it, our curves are enhanced. Flaxseed can also promote skin health. Want healthy skin and bigger breasts? You should definitely try flaxseed.
Fresh fruits should be a staple in our diet. One, because they contain vitamins and antioxidants, and, two, because they increase the size of your breasts. Fruits, especially berries, contain phytoestrogens that plump up breast tissue and tone them naturally. Make a mixed berry smoothie; it’s super delicious and beneficial to your sexy curves.
Berries contain phytoestrogens that plump up breast tissue and tone them naturally.
Healthy Oils
When you cook, what kind of oil do you use? Avoid hydrogenated oils like canola, soybean, and palm oils. These oils can be harmful to the body and can cause cardiovascular issues. Hydrogenated oils are liquids at first, but once they’ve been consumed in the body they turn into a solid, creating weight gain, and we don’t want that. Stick to healthier oils like coconut and olive. These oils contain healthy fats which we need to increase boob size but won’t add inches to our waistline. We want the weight gain to go to the right places! So, the next time you’re in the kitchen opt for healthier fatty oils.
Leafy Greens
Daily leafy greens should be another staple in our diets. Leafy greens are super packed with dense nutrients our body needs. Kale, spinach, asparagus, and legumes contain a substantial number of phytoestrogens that are essential to get bigger breasts. Eat your veggies, ladies! The next time you’re at a restaurant and they ask you soup or salad, definitely go with the salad option.
Kale, spinach, asparagus, and legumes contain a substantial number of phytoestrogens that are essential to get bigger breasts.
Whole Grains
Carbs, ugh, the enemy. I must admit I have a guilty pleasure for French fries, and I know it’s bad. I’m working on it! Carbs are comfort food, and we can easily go overboard with them. So try going for whole grains instead. Whole grains are complex carbohydrates that help to boost energy levels in the body, tone muscle, and not to mention...enhance boob size. Try quinoa, brown rice, oats, and barley. All of these are excellent carb choices but won’t add excess fat in unwanted areas. A nice bowl of oatmeal in the morning with some mixed berries — now that’s a double whammy to increase your breast size.
Last, but certainly not least, red wine. Yes, I said it. Who knew it can help grow your boobies? Wine contains phytoestrogens that are needed to increase bust size. It also contains resveratrol, an antioxidant that helps with toning up your skin. Wine can tone up breast tissue for perkiness and make them grow. I don’t recommend drinking a whole bottle to yourself surely, but a nice glass during the evening to relax and destress… Now that sounds amazing.
Wine contains resveratrol, an antioxidant that helps with toning up your skin.
Closing Thoughts
Definitely give these foods a try. And remember it’s all about consistency. Eating these foods daily or often will increase the size of your breast, but it won’t happen overnight. We’re all beautiful and our bodies are amazing just the way they are. But we can also optimize our health and well-being by eating foods that are nutritious to make our bodies flourish. These foods will not only increase your breast size, but they are good for your well-being. Stay happy and healthy, ladies!