Male Influencer Says This Is Why Men Won't Pick Pearl Davis
Pearl Davis advocates for what red-pill guys want in women all the time, so why won't men pick her? A male influencer explains why.

Pearl Davis is in her twenties, has a large following, and is popular with her male listeners – so why won't men choose her? Is it because she's "past her prime" and has hit the wall at her geriatric age of 27?
According to one influencer, Owen Nurm, that's not the reason. He explains that it's because she's not feminine enough. When a commenter suggested Nurm go after Davis, he had to explain why most men wouldn't marry a woman like her. In a viral video that garnered over 58,000 likes on TikTok, he said, “Do you know why Pearl is available? Because even though she says the right things that men resonate with, she's masculine as hell.”
Nurm continued, "Feminine women do not go online and sit on podcasts and argue with men all day long. That is not what men want."
He then goes on to describe the perfect wife, a woman who helps around the house and is feminine and nonchalant. "Ideally, men would have someone that's very laid back, chill, feminine, you know, helps out where she can around the house and you know, isn't like a pain in the *ss. And I know you guys are gonna be like, 'Well, just hire a maid.' Are you guys really saying that a woman's love can be replaced by a maid? Partnership in the home is desirable."
However, unlike the manosphere, Nurm is not saying that women should do all the cooking and cleaning. He believes that a relationship should be 50/50. "I've been kind of messing around a little bit on here with some of my satire and stuff, but real talk, I believe both people should do both things around the home. Fully, like there's no reason not to. I can joke and say, yeah, I'll cook, you do the dishes, but even then that's 50-50, you know?"
Nurm's single mother taught him how to do everything. "She taught me how to cook, how to clean, how to do dishes, how to do laundry. I'm just saying, I do all that stuff now for myself, no problem. But ideally in a partnership, I would have help with those things. I'm not just gonna take care of someone fully. I'm not gonna pay for everything and take care of everything around the home."
"But back to Pearl, she definitely understands what men want. But she's just masculine," said Nurm, adding that she "will probably find someone that's great for her."
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