Man Dies After He Was Denied A Kidney Transplant For Being Unvaccinated
An Ontario man's health declined because he was denied a kidney transplant for being unvaccinated – even though vaccinated individuals can receive transplants from nonvaccinated patrons.

Father-of-five Garnet Harper needed a kidney but was denied because of his vaccination status. In a shocking interview with Monique Leal from Independent Journalism, Garnet's family members detail his transplant denial journey.
According to Garnet's wife, Meghan, her husband was diagnosed with stage five kidney disease in February 2022. This is also known as end-stage renal disease (ESRD), meaning his organs were very close to failure. Through routine blood work, Garnet discovered that his kidney function was only 8%, meaning his kidney had already failed.
Unfortunately, this organ cannot regenerate itself. After a meeting with a nephrologist, Garnet and Meghan were initially told that he was a "prime candidate for a transplant" since he was only 35. Then, the topic of the vaccine came up. The doctor suggested that Garnet receive his Covid-19 jab because it would be his "best defense against contracting" the virus.
After multiple hospital visits, the Garnets decided that the best course of action was to get a kidney transplant. Unfortunately, they were told by healthcare professionals that they needed proof of vaccination at the hospital that they were getting referred to. The facility in question is the London Hospital, according to Meghan. "We were told that we couldn't have a referral to the London Hospital if Garnet was not vaccinated for Covid-19," Meghan explains. "So, they said we couldn't even begin the process. We couldn't even start to be considered to get onto a transplant [list]."
Garnet's brothers, Gal and DeVaughn, began calling other hospitals in Ontario to review their policies. They also looked into doing a living donor transplant, a process in which a living person donates an organ to another. Even though two of Garnet's family members were willing to donate their own kidneys to save his life, hospitals refused to help them unless he received the Covid-19 vaccine, which Garnet refused.
"He was a real voice for freedom in our community," his wife says. "He had an energy that was unlike anybody else. He firmly believed that coercion is not a choice, and stood beside that in all cases, and we modeled that for our kids."
For months, Garnet focused on naturally healing his condition. They explored the possibility of getting a transplant again, though they felt he was "winning his battle" with his kidney disease. Unfortunately, he tragically passed away in the middle of the night from a bleeding stroke on May 22, 2023, from a lifetime of diabetes. "We should have never had to wait this long to even get on a list or to be considered a referral," Meghan says. "We should have been able to have a referral last year."
She added, "If we were able to get on the list before he was admitted to the hospital last September, then he would have been strong enough to receive that transplant, but they denied us that right."
"They denied us that ability, and they denied us the ability to even explore a live donor opportunity. He was still pushing for that. He was fighting for it up until the last moment."
Meghan believes that if her husband was treated, things would not have turned the way they did. She suggests that if her husband would have received a transplant sooner, his health wouldn't have declined.
The story gets worse, though. When Garnet was placed on life support, Meghan got a call from the Trillium program. They asked her multiple questions about Garnet's medical history as she remained by her husband's side. Meghan knew where the conversation was going: They were about to ask if she wanted to donate Garnet's organs. The same people who denied her husband a kidney are now asking for his. "I said, 'Are you aware that unvaccinated people are not eligible to receive transplants in Ontario?'" she asked them.
Closing Thoughts
Unfortunately, Garnet’s story is not a rare one. Many others like him have detailed their terrifying experiences with healthcare professionals who swore to treat their patients. It begs the question: Was the vaccine really about our health, or was it about control? If it wasn’t about control, why were agencies so eager to collect an unvaccinated person’s organs while denying them one because of their vaccine status? If it was about health, how come individuals injured by the Covid-19 vaccine were gaslit and completely ignored by mainstream media? If it was about health, why didn’t they do everything they could to save Garnet?
You can watch the full interview on Rumble and visit Garnet's GiveSendGo page here.
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