Mega-Influencer, Dan Bilzerian, Who Slept With Thousands Of Women Says There Is More Value In Monogamy
In a recent episode of The Mighty Pursuit Podcast, mega-influencer Dan Bilzerian spoke candidly about his unrestrained approach to sex and revealed that after sleeping with thousands of women he realizes monogamy is more beneficial for both sexes.

The name Dan Bilzerian echoes through the Instagram Hall of Fame for his unapologetically extravagant lifestyle as a high-stakes poker player. He's also well-known for his wildly hedonistic approach to relationships and sex, which has been showcased on his social media channels for years. His Instagram is full of images of luxury, parties, and an endless stream of beautiful women--what many men would call the perfect life. Bilzerian admits that he thought it was the perfect life, too, before experience led him to a different conclusion.
"I was having sex with at least three girls a day on average, at a minimum. I mean like, if I only had sex with two girls a day, that was like," we're having some real off day or something," right? Some days it was four women a day, some days five, seven. The most was nine."
When the host asked Bilzerian how many women he's slept with in total over the years, he replied "Thousands."
"I had this image in my mind when I growing up of how, like, awesome this would be. I don't know, what I kind of landed on was I think it's like better to have a monogamous relationship, as strange as that is coming from me."
"You got two choices," he continued. "You can just like do whatever you want, and, you know, be free and allow the women to be free and just use condoms on all the girls and not care about if they hook up with other guys, and it's just, like, purely sexual and whatever. Or, I think you can find a girl that you enjoy spending time with and that you actually trust each other. I just think it's unlikely to find a woman who is going to be okay with you sleeping with other women who actually cares about you for the right reasons. And even if the girl is okay with it, I think that you, like, cause internal damage to her."
"I do think that one cool girl that does stuff with you that you actually have a mental connection with--I do think the sex is better, I think you're more relaxed, I think you have less things to deal with, less distractions. Your energy is not being pulled in a bunch of different directions. So, yeah, I think there is hope for longer-term monogamy and staying attracted to one woman."
Bilzerian went on to share that the over-the-top lifestyle he represents is not attainable for the average person. It remains a distant fantasy that, while tantalizing, obscures what we truly seek from our work and relationships.
Closing Thoughts
As American media and entertainment continue to push polyamory as an equal or better lifestyle option than monogamy despite research proving otherwise, stories like Bilzerian's should be heard. The biological drive for monogamy is an undeniable part of our makeup, and the constant excitement of polyamory and dividing one's attention among multiple partners eventually wears thin over time.
A life filled with a variety of superficial pleasures may seem appealing, but as Bilzerian's journey reveals, more fulfillment lies in the pursuit of genuine, loving relationships, which take commitment and long periods of time. It's a reminder that, at the end of the day, the most rewarding connection is one that's deep, committed, and reciprocated.
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