Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Were "Upset And Overwhelmed" By The South Park Episode About Them, But Are They Really Planning To Sue?
In one of its latest episodes, South Park teased Meghan Markle and Prince Harry about their cries for privacy while they tour the world and do interviews with Oprah. The couple was reportedly furious at the portrayal on the comedy show, and rumors started to swirl that they were considering suing the South Park creators.

On May 19, 2018, Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, the younger brother of Prince William, and their marriage became one of the most talked-about things on the planet. The couple decided to renounce their royal titles and move away from Harry's family in order to start a life of their own. Meghan claimed that the royal family was racist and cruel to her, and she recently started a podcast where she features various guests to talk about the many inequalities she has faced in her life. During their press tour all over the world, Harry and Meghan demanded privacy, leaving many viewers confused, considering how much they willingly put themselves into the spotlight (such as their famous interview with Oprah). The popular comedy show South Park, which has been running since 1997, took a dig at the ex-royal couple and made fun of their cries for privacy. However, they weren't so happy about the portrayal.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Were "Upset and Overwhelmed" by the South Park Episode About Them, but Are They Really Planning to Sue?
In the South Park skit, Harry and Meghan were interviewed at a mock Morning Canada show, where they walked onto the stage holding signs that said, "Stop looking at us!" while they chanted, "We want privacy!" The interviewer told Harry that everything was handed to him in his life by the royal family, but then he decided to publish a book and claim that his life was difficult. He holds up Harry's book, which is called "Waaagh." (In reality, Harry's memoir is called Spare.) The South Park episode is titled "The Worldwide Privacy Tour."
For anyone who has watched Meghan and Harry over the years, this skit is hilarious. It's a funny depiction of a couple that has done countless interviews and shows, all the while demanding privacy and expressing disdain for publications that report on them. As you can imagine, the couple was displeased with the show. Reportedly, Meghan was "upset and overwhelmed" at the way she was depicted.
A royal commentator, Neil Sean, told Fox News that the couple's representatives are watching the show for any skits in the future that might make Meghan and Harry look bad. "According to sources close to the ex-Royals, it appears that, like so many things with Meghan and Harry, this may have legal ramifications attached," he said. "Their legal team are casting an eye over the episode to see what is wrong and what could be turned into something more sinister."
This turned into a rumor across the internet that Meghan and Harry were considering suing the South Park creators for this supposedly harmful episode. Various social media users shared the news that the couple was planning on taking legal action.
However, shortly after this rumor started circulating, it was shot down by a spokesperson for Meghan and Harry, who told Newsweek that these claims of a possible lawsuit were "baseless and boring." That was the extent to which they addressed the claim.
Another royal commentator, Kristen Meinzer, also told Newsweek that Meghan and Harry had no plans on suing South Park. "I highly doubt Meghan and Harry are suing a satirical cartoon that famously ridicules everyone," she said. "If anything, they'll know they're in good company with other decent people who've been raked over the coals by the show."
Even if the couple isn't considering suing, it's certainly easy to believe that they were upset by their South Park portrayal, especially when you think about how entertaining so many people found it.