
Nerds Are Running Our Country Into The Ground For Revenge

Theater kids and chess club geeks got tired of being overshadowed by the quarterback, so now that they’re running our institutions, we’re feeling the effects of their not-so-sweet vengeance.

By Andrea Mew7 min read
Pexels/mahdi chaghari

Maybe they were shoved into lockers, or maybe they got teased for reading during recess instead of getting grime under their fingernails playing group sports. Maybe while all their peers were prepping for the next school dance or making plans to tailgate ahead of the big game, they made themselves scarce, preferring the company of computers.

Whoever they were and whatever they specifically did, the nerds of yesteryear are now pulling the strings of this nation. Lo and behold, they’re running the country into the ground out of calculated and uncalculated revenge. From transhumanism to transgenderism to the deep state and beyond, behind nearly all of the irritating social issues we’ve been facing is a former (and perhaps, current) nerd trying to settle the score through authoritative power grabs.

Transhumanists Are Destroying Humanity, but That’s Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Private enterprise promises a lot of amazing advancements for our physical and mental health, but some people aren’t satisfied with just hitting the baseline. By now, you’ve probably stumbled across extreme biohackers on social media or outright bizarre bio-tech that breaks national headlines.

Elon Musk’s Neuralink, for instance, was developed with the intention of improving quality of life for people suffering from neurodegenerative disorders that affect cognition and memory, like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. Very recently, the first human patient was reported to have been able to move a computer mouse with just their mind.

You can imagine how slippery the slope is for any tech like Neuralink, but Silicon Valley has been cultivating entire generations of young minds to brainstorm, research, and develop cutting-edge transhumanist technology. But it has cost them greatly. Though he isn’t cut from the Palo Alto cloth, even Elon Musk admitted that his mind is a storm and that no one would actually want to be like him. 

So what are these terrifying Silicon Valley standards anyway? Senior Policy Analyst at Independent Women's Forum, Inez Stepman, explained just how problematic the Palo Alto model is for individuals and humanity as a whole in a recent essay for First Things.

Stepman was a freshman in high school when the Palo Alto suicides – a cluster of tragic instances where student after student, burnt out on Silicon Valley expectations, ended their lives – began. Her classmates subjected to the Palo Alto system of education were “bred, trained, and put through its paces,” much like horses raised to race. 

But, as Stepman explained, “What the town really produces is not brilliance but self-declared Prometheans who can’t tie their shoes – who get venture-capital millions for a high-growth, no-profit-yet start-up making an AI robot that will tie their shoes for them.”

Bay Area teens trained to become the next generation of high-tech entrepreneurs lose their ability to function like normal students, treating their “psychological fragility” with antidepressants and Freudian thought. I couldn’t have explained this phenomenon better myself, than when Stepman railed on the results of Silicon Valley’s “human capital assembly line.”

“The Palo Alto system doesn’t produce Nietzschean giants or world-conquering Caesars; it produces grinders, nerds, and lifehackers so disconnected from the physical that they can’t even do drugs without obsessively measuring the impact on their productivity,” she said. 

Does this sound familiar to you? Certainly, there is a lot of good to gather from brilliant minds like Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist and leading health podcaster who genuinely has some good insights about improving cognitive function. But Huberman’s teachings and his followers have a reputation for going overboard with optimization – so much so that the “Huberman Husband” has become a bit of a meme. 

The issue with “biohacking” isn’t one particular, isolated practice. The issue is when “biohacking” becomes a lifestyle – and a neurotic one at that, where the Huberman Husband (or Goop-esque “Almond Mom”) can’t function without morning ice plunges, intermittent fasting regiments, red light therapy sessions, and a list of daily supplements so long it might rival that of hormonal birth control side effects

Some who follow such militaristic protocols have great results; I mean, look at Huberman’s own physique and apparent energy levels. But feeding the obsession for self-optimization can lead to behaviors more like outright psychological complexes. 

This translates directly into the generation of nerds that Stepman discussed: “boys who fine-tune their brains and bodies with microdosing and endless bizarre vitamin regimens that, intended to stave off mortality, merely leave them thin-armed and sickly looking.”

She continued, “They’re the world’s most physically and psychologically fragile Übermenschen. Rome produced legions of hard men bent on glory; Palo Alto produces billionaires who inject themselves with the plasma of their teenage sons and subsist on Soylent Green to keep their hairlines going for another couple years.”

Yes, this model for ambitious nihilism produces some brilliant minds, but it also leads us further down the path of merging man with machine – and at some point, we have to audibly opt out before we no longer have the ability to leave the Matrix. But “the revenge of the nerds” doesn’t only apply to the private sector. 

Examples of Silicon Valley attempting to usurp human nature are all around us and are easier to identify as outright power grabs. In fact, people on both sides of the political spectrum are easily jaded by globalist corporate greed. What about the public sector?

I Place the Blame on Bureaucracy – and It Starts in the Public Sector

The public sector employs far fewer people, and the jobs are less lucrative, but make no mistake – America’s bureaucracy is growing like a malignant tumor.

All nations need some amount of government, and government must be run by public service workers. No matter where you lie on the political spectrum, you can’t pretend like our government isn’t growing in scale and scope of power. I mean, half a century ago, our federal government didn’t even have official agencies to oversee education or energy. 

Then, the United States Department of Energy was founded in 1977, and the United States Department of Education was founded in 1979. Federal programs that many people might assume have always been in place and do more harm than good – Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid – are also relatively young for our country’s age. These programs increase our federal debt, and they’ve also increased our reliance on a nanny state. 

Elected legislators aren’t legislating at the same rate that unelected bureaucrats are pushing to get federal regulations and rules implemented. For comparison, between the period of 1995 and 2016, 4,312 new federal laws were passed, but 88,899 federal rules and regulations were implemented. Some rules and regulations are harmless, but others add really unnecessary impediments to our lives.

“I once watched the cosmetology board lobby heavily for needless occupational licenses that would make it harder and much more expensive for Tennesseans to work as natural hair braiders,” wrote political commentator Hannah Cox in a recent opinion piece for the Washington Examiner. “Why? Because members of the board (or their families) were going to profit by forcing people to pay to go to a cosmetology school (that couldn’t even teach the skill) in order to obtain the license.”

The worst part about this power structure? It’s permanent. You can’t vote an unelected bureaucrat “out of office” if they’re violating your rights or putting forward outright unconstitutional rules and regulations because they’re not even “in office.” This is where we get the concept of the “deep state.” And they’re getting really good at making sure that Americans adapt to domination and become fully conditioned to not raise a fuss.

Postmodernist and father of sociology Max Weber once warned that – no matter if we’re living in a socialist society or a capitalist one – bureaucracy will likely take an “overpowering” position of power over the people. He, and those in his camp, would argue our bloated bureaucracy was an inevitable effect of modernity, but to me, that’s an awfully “doomer” perspective on our nation’s fate. 

The more that we collectively notice and shout about areas in which we need to aggressively gut the deep state, the more we’ll realistically be able to drain “the swamp.” So let’s take a deeper dive into very overt ways that nerds are systemically running our country into the ground.

Feminists Are Destroying Education

In the world of education and academia, “revenge of the nerds” is a toxic parasite that can’t stop feeding itself. If you’ve recently been in and out of college or know someone who has, you’ll understand what I mean. Modern academia is breeding and curating glorified HR professionals, happy to make the following trade: delay or disregard settling down to start a family, and instead withstand decades of menial careers barking orders at the next generation of HR professionals.

Our generation grew up getting it drilled in our heads that we needed to go to college. We may not have all gotten the Palo Alto experience, but broadly speaking, it became almost expected that all young people receive some amount of college education – whether they want it or not. 

We’ve got degrees up the wazoo, but those degrees don’t always pay off. I mean, it’s reported that way less than half of college grads actually end up working in the field that they studied. But no matter what your major is, you’re not safe from the academic world’s “feminist tentacles,” as social commentator Bettina Arndt recently explained.

"Let's not forget these are the teachers of the next generation, intent on convincing young women they are set for a life of persecution, abuse and discrimination,” Arndt said. “They are teaching our future bureaucrats who'll be setting key policies, the future lawyers, judges, social workers, and the politicians who will be deciding where the dollars are spent."

Don’t get me wrong, it’s in all of our best interests for our future leaders to be smart. But we also should want them to be free-thinkers instead of cogs in the system. We should want them to be pragmatists instead of busybodies. 

Reading and math scores have been plummeting, despite this generation of Americans being the “most educated” compared to generations of yore. Clearly, there has been too much emphasis on DEI and too little emphasis on test prep if benchmarkers like ACT scores are at their lowest in 30 decades.

The IRS Is Destroying Your Financial Future

So the next generations are puzzlingly overeducated since the education they’re receiving isn’t meaningful or setting them up for success while navigating the real world. Then, throw some real responsibilities in the mix – like figuring out their taxes. 

Tax season already sucks to begin with, but it’s made even better when busybody bureaucrats decide we need to increase the size of the Internal Revenue System (IRS), continually add new taxes to the growing roster, and then audit well-meaning individuals who paid their fair share but are just overwhelmed and prone to mistakes. The new norm is guilty until proven innocent.

Recent AP-NORC polling shows that most Americans (not just conservatives) feel like their federal income taxes are too high. But how did taxes get so bad in the first place? Nerds who gain pleasure from unbridled power grabs, of course.

The National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, spent $478,188 of taxpayer dollars to inject wrong-sex hormones into male monkeys and make them “transgender.” The National Institutes of Health has burned $2.2 billion through grants and contracts for foreign animal testing labs. The Department of Defense wasted $220 billion by losing equipment given to military contractors. The Transportation Security Administration shredded $18.6 million to make “gender-neutral” security screening upgrades intended to “advance civil rights.” I could go on and on. 

Ever heard of the term “lifestyle creep”? Typically, it’s used to describe ways in which you accidentally start spending more money than before: You get a salary raise, and then decide you’re in the clear to upgrade your gym membership. That’s essentially what’s happening here. 

Former teacher’s pets who now hold public sector power clamor at every chance possible to increase wasteful taxes, and then turn around and say that they need to go on a hiring spree to execute all these new tasks they made for themselves. Senior editor at The Federalist, David Harsanyi, was right when he warned that the IRS hiring sprees would be the “biggest expansion of the police state in American history.”

Weaklings Are Destroying Your Diet

Sometimes, the public and the private sectors link arms and skip gleefully into the sunset as they overregulate our lives and meddle in any matter they can. One of the worst offenses? The love triangle between the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Department of Agriculture, and “Big Food.”

We might cringe and practice our own self-imposed buycotts every time we see Bill Gates pump funding into yet another revolting, fake protein product, but the literal slop served to us at the grocery store somehow keeps getting created. The FDA reassures us all that it’s perfectly safe to start eating meat spawned from stem cells, like UPSIDE’s cultivated chicken – despite the manufacturers needing to submit a 140-page document to painstakingly detail how this otherworldly tech even works.  

“I’d rather eat my shoe than lab-grown meat,” said nutritionist and food author Diana Rodgers in an interview with The New York Post.

Our Department of Agriculture holds farmers on a tight leash, forcing farmers to throw away perfectly good crops and dairy goods or restricting them from using all their land – all in the name of climate justice. They try to push for Americans to eat less meat but have to backtrack when people understandably don’t want to give up a food product that provides them with unparalleled nutritional benefits. 

In turn, bureaucrats bought by Big Food advocate for the federal government to pass new guidelines that combat “dietary racism,” because, you know, dairy consumption is racist. Big Food then gleefully puts out another new, plant-based “milk” to try to turn a profit on the cultural craze to dump dairy. 

Really, it’s nice to be concerned for the health of others but at some point these people have to realize that they can’t just put every human on the same, dreary and deficient diet. 

“Bill Gates keeps saying we got to eat less meat. And we got to cut our consumption of meat out to be healthy. And that we are going to get used to these meat alternatives,” podcaster Joe Rogan once said in a discussion about the push to eliminate meat from the American diet. “When a guy like that says that I’m like, ‘Are you making money because of this? Why are you saying that?’”

But his later musings about the physique of people like Gates perfectly sums up the “revenge of the nerds” issue at hand here: “A guy like Bill Gates telling people when he’s got these breasts and this gut. And I’m like, this is crazy, you’re one of the richest guys on earth. You have access to the best nutrients, you could be in phenomenal shape. You’re giving out public health advice, and you are sick.”

I mean, misery loves company. Perhaps these out-of-shape individuals who greedily rub their hands as more Americans buy their Frankenstein “food” products are subconsciously feeding off the spite they’ve harbored deep in their hearts for not being fit or healthy. 

Closing Thoughts

Look, if I detailed every way in which butthurt nerds are enacting cruel revenge on the nation, my fingers might fall off from typing and your eyes may begin to glaze over. Statists, a.k.a. people who advocate for the government to have “substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs,” may swear up and down that they’ve got your best interests at heart. Private citizens building up their biotech enterprises might insist the very same thing. But every new rule, regulation, system, and technology that usurps your personal agency should be scrutinized through a very skeptical lens.

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