
Newly Engaged? Here Are 25 White Dresses Under $100 Perfect For Engagement Photos

Newly Engaged? Here Are 25 White Dresses Under $100 Perfect For Engagement Photos

By Anna Hartman2 min read
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POV: A shiny new rock is weighing down your finger, you’re getting bombarded with “congratulations” texts and comments, and Auntie Karen is already asking if you’ve chosen a wedding date. 

First of all, let me start by reminding you that (ideally) you only get to enjoy this season of your life one time, so take a deep breath, soak it in, and don’t allow the pressure of wedding planning to seep in just yet. When I got engaged to my now-husband a few years ago, we gave ourselves a solid 3 months of simply enjoying our engagement before we even began thinking about a date, venue, or a dress. We still got married within a year and actually hosted an intimate destination wedding in another country (on a pretty tight budget at that). Yes, wedding planning is time-consuming, but I promise you it’s not as difficult as people make it seem. Regardless, no matter how much time you need, make sure to set clear expectations and boundaries with loved ones now so you can ensure that you’re not feeling rushed through the process. 

Okay, now that I’ve got my sisterly advice out of the way, let’s get to engagement photos, shall we? Whether your bestie is planning on snapping some in your backyard via iPhone or you’ve scheduled an elaborate photoshoot with your future wedding photographer, you’re going to need something pretty to wear. Among the most exciting aspects of your engagement is that you have an excuse to treat yourself to new dresses for the milestones coming up. You’ve got your engagement photos, engagement party, bridal shower, bachelorette party, rehearsal dinner, ceremony, reception (if you choose to change post-ceremony), and your honeymoon. Phew. 

It certainly feels like a lot of events to choose outfits for when you list them out in a row, but thankfully since all of these occasions are spread out over several months, it’s not as overwhelming as it may sound. Nonetheless, it’s helpful to set an overall budget for these outfits so you can stay on track when planning your wedding. No one wants to begin their married life feeling like they’re drowning in debt from over-the-top purchases they hardly remember making. 

Fortunately for you, there are a ton of gorgeous dress options under $100 that are perfect for engagement photos (and wearing afterwards for other events)! The key to finding a dress that is ideal for celebrating your engagement is choosing one that you feel comfortable and confident in. If you feel like your best self, your joy and beauty are going to radiate through the lens, making these photos ones to cherish for generations to come.  

Without further ado, starting at $30 and ranging from beachy casual to elevated sophistication, we are sharing 25 white dresses perfect for engagement photos!

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