No Photographer? No Problem. Here Are 10 Tips To Take The Perfect Selfie
Convinced you’ll never be as photogenic as the “naturally flawless” it girls in your Insta feed? Think again.

First, let’s clear one thing up: That perfect, casual, “woke up like this” selfie that influencer you love posted was likely anything but spur of the moment. Just like it’s true that even the world’s most beautiful people can take unflattering pictures (ever seen those “stars are just like us” sections of tabloid magazines?), it’s possible for even the most camera-shy among us to get a flattering, feed-worthy selfie. Here are our 10 tips and tricks for capturing the perfect shot:
Click Away
If you’re taking a selfie, commit to it. In other words, take a lot and see what works for you that day.
Long gone are the days of film, which means there’s no reason not to take way more pictures than necessary. Once your selfie shoot is over, simply delete the ones that aren’t worthy of taking up space on your phone. Try not to be critical of the awkward or less-than-flattering photos; hit the trash button and move on with your life. We’ll say it again: Nobody looks good from every angle.

Vary Your Angles and Expressions
A photograph taken straight-on is rarely flattering. Instead, play around with your angles: tilt your chin up and down, this way and that. Play around with your hair and expressions to find what works best.
Try holding your phone at different angles too. Flip it upside down or play around with the rear-facing camera instead of the selfie camera (it’s usually a higher-quality camera, anyway).
Natural Lighting Is Your Friend
Ever wonder why so many people take selfies in their car? It’s because they’re surrounded by natural light, which tends to be the most flattering. When possible, take selfies outside or near a window to take advantage of the sunlight. Try not to shoot in full sun and opt instead for an overcast sky, which diffuses and softens the light. (And it probably goes without saying, but avoid fluorescent lights at all costs.)
Act Natural
If you’re taking a selfie to post on social media, keep in mind people tend to prefer relatable, down-to-earth content, so ditch the pressure to give the camera your best sultry, ANTM look. Taking a selfie can feel totally unnatural, but try not to take it too seriously. Everyone tends to look their best when their face muscles are relaxed and their smile isn’t forced, so loosen up and enjoy the process.

Grab a Friend
Sometimes, a solo selfie can feel contrived. Take the pressure off yourself and grab a friend (or a pet) for a photoshoot. Chances are, you’ll be more relaxed, which will mean a more flattering, true-to-you selfie.

Use a Prop or Accessory
No selfie buddy nearby? Share the spotlight by grabbing a prop or accessory instead. Put on a hat or sunglasses, hold your Starbucks cup, or even show off your fresh manicure to the camera. Your selfie will have more of a purpose (beyond just feeling yourself that day, which is totally valid, too), which can help you feel more comfortable in front of the camera.
Take a Selfie in the Morning
When possible, take a selfie in the morning before the hustle and bustle of the day cramps your style. Your hair, makeup, and outfit will be fresh, and you’re less likely to be puffy or bloated.
Hold Your Phone Slightly Above You
It never hurts to play around with your angles, but keep in mind that a downward angle – one in which the camera is slightly above you – is typically the most flattering. By shooting down, you’ll elongate your neck, highlight your cheekbones, and create a more defined jawline, all while avoiding the dreaded double-chin.
Find a Background That Lets You Shine
Don’t let a cluttered, distracting background overshadow your beautiful face. Opt for a simple backdrop so you’re the focal point of the shot.

Don’t Overdo the Editing
Once you have a feed-worthy selfie, resist the urge to overedit. Go easy on the filters and fine-tuning. Remember, real skin has texture, and your natural, unedited features deserve to be celebrated.

Get Creative
Embrace your artsy side. We tend to forget that we carry around incredibly high-quality cameras in our purses and pockets all day, so take advantage of that technology by playing around with your phone’s camera settings.
With some simple tricks and tweaks, even the most camera-shy individuals can become more photogenic. Have fun in front of the camera, and don’t take it too seriously. Remember, the perfect selfie is one that lets your natural beauty shine through.