One-Third Of Americans Believe The Covid Vaccine Caused "Thousands Of Sudden Deaths" In Healthy People
One quarter of Americans surveyed also believed that vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella can cause autism in children. These kinds of thoughts have been labeled as misinformation, but many adults don't see it as such.

A recent poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) highlights how many people are willing to ignore mainstream media talking points and believe so-called conspiracy theories. The survey revealed that 96% of participants were aware of at least one of the ten claims presented to them—claims that were deemed "false"—with so-called misinformation concerning coronavirus and vaccines being the most prevalent.
One-Third of Americans Believe Covid Vaccine Caused "Thousands of Sudden Deaths" in Healthy People
In the poll, one-third of adults believed that Covid vaccines had caused "thousands of sudden deaths in otherwise healthy people." While 10% deemed this claim "definitely true," 23% considered it "probably true." In contrast, 31% said it was "definitely false," and another 34% believed it to be "probably false." Similarly, nearly a third thought that the medication ivermectin was effective against coronavirus; even though ivermectin was successfully used in many people to treat coronavirus, the Food and Drug Administration refused to authorize it for treating the virus.
A third thought that the medication ivermectin was effective against coronavirus.
Regarding other vaccines, roughly 25% of respondents believed that vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella could cause autism in children. An equal percentage believed that coronavirus vaccines result in infertility in women. We know for a fact that the vaccine caused menstrual disorders and disruptions in women. In the realm of reproductive health, one-third of respondents believed that sex education encourages teens to be more sexually active and that contraceptive methods like the pill or IUDs make it difficult for women to conceive after discontinuation.
The survey also asked about gun violence, with 60% believing that "armed school police guards prevent school shootings," despite mainstream news claiming that there are no findings that prove this to be true. Additionally, 42% believed that gun ownership makes individuals less likely to be killed, which is surely upsetting to anyone who promotes gun control.
The majority of respondents fell into the "malleable middle," indicating they were uncertain about the veracity of most claims. The KFF Health Misinformation Tracking Poll Pilot was conducted from May 23 to June 12 and included 2,007 adults. The results have a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points. The information that many American adults believe has been categorized as pervasive misinformation, particularly when it comes to coronavirus.
But rather than vilify people who believe that the vaccine caused sudden deaths and recognize that the shot affected women's fertility and/or menstrual cycle, calling them victims of misinformation, perhaps it's time we listen to the American people and highlight their concerns with public health initiatives that were rolled out in a short amount of time in order to supposedly curb the spread of Covid (shocker: they didn't). From early on in the Covid pandemic, there were many people who were skeptical about the efficacy of masks and the lockdowns. Turns out most of the so-called conspiracy theories were true: masks were ineffective at stopping the spread of the virus and the lockdowns were worse on people's health, the economy, and mental wellness.
Americans are sick and tired of being taken advantage of.
Furthermore, the women who shared their hormonal struggles after receiving the coronavirus vaccine were gaslit and called crazy for even daring to share their experience. Later it was found that their concerns were perfectly reasonable because the vaccine did in fact affect their menstrual cycle. We also learned that the vaccine doesn't even offer any more protection against the virus than contracting the virus itself.
As more and more information came out over the last year or so, there has been much vindication. While surveys like this are twisted to supposedly highlight the prevalence of "misinformation," perhaps it's time we call a spade a spade: Americans are waking up to the lies they have been sold for years, and there are growing numbers of adults who refuse to buy into the fabrications that were shoved down their throat by mainstream media publications and public health organizations. These numbers scare many politicians and powerful machines, but they indicate that Americans are sick and tired of being taken advantage of. Even though the government and public health organizations are trying to push another Covid scare onto the people by talking about a new variant of the virus, it seems as though far fewer people are willing to go along with the charade this time around.
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