
Pfizer Knew The Covid Vaccine Carried "Substantial Risk Of Miscarriage" But Kept Pushing It On Pregnant Women Anyway

A board-certified Ob-Gyn sat down for an interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf to explain how dangerous the coronavirus vaccine has always been to pregnancy, including "compromised placentas, stillbirth, premature labor, and babies with malformations."

By Gina Florio4 min read
Pexels/Yury Oliveira

In an interview released by Leading Report, Dr. Naomi Wolf spoke with an Ob-Gyn who spoke about the devastating effects the coronavirus vaccine has had on pregnant women. Dr. Wolf is an American author, journalist, and political consultant. She gained prominence with her 1991 book The Beauty Myth, which challenged societal norms related to beauty and its impact on women. Over the years, Dr. Wolf has been a prominent feminist and liberal public intellectual, commenting on various social, cultural, and political issues. But more recently, she has been a loud critic of the Covid restrictions, the negative effects of the vaccine, and how many citizens were coerced into getting the shot just to maintain their livelihood.

Dr. Wolf spoke with Dr. James Thorp, a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist and maternal-fetal medicine physician with 44 years of clinical experience. Highly credentialed, he has 224 publications, including 28 on coronavirus, and has overseen 27,500 high-risk pregnancies in recent years. Dr. Thorp has also served as a reviewer for medical journals and has been on the board of the Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine. A veteran of the U.S. Air Force, he testified in the U.S. Senate in 2003 and, more recently, focused his research on the potential dangers of mRNA vaccines to women of reproductive age and during pregnancy.

Pfizer Knew the Covid Vaccine Carried "Substantial Risk of Miscarriage," but Kept Pushing It on Pregnant Women Anyway

They talked about coronavirus' damage to women's menstrual cycle, babies in utero, and placenta. "This entire vaccine went after women. It went after women’s health, for two reasons," Dr. Thorp said. "Number one: Every man and woman in medicine knows women make all the healthcare decisions for all members of the family. So that if they could capture the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and 60,000 obstetricians, and then they got all the women, they captured the population." Secondly, they knew if they could prove that the vaccine is "safe, effective, and necessary in the most vulnerable population," they can get every other person on Earth vaccinated.

According to Dr. Thorp, Pfizer's own data suggests an 81% risk of miscarriage following vaccination.

Dr. Thorp said he has observed alarming trends following the rollout of coronavirus vaccines, including disruption in menstruation patterns, increased infertility in both genders, and "a substantial risk of miscarriage." According to Dr. Thorp, Pfizer's own data suggests an 81% risk of miscarriage following vaccination. He also notes increased rates of fetal malformations, early onset preeclampsia, spontaneous preterm labor, and complications leading to preterm delivery. Additionally, abnormalities of the placenta and increased rates of newborns needing neonatal intensive care have been reported.

Dr. Wolf corroborates Dr. Thorp's findings with additional independent sources. Volunteers from her WarRoom/DailyClout initiative also found similar data in Pfizer documents. "And his description of compromised placentas, stillbirth, premature labor, and babies with malformations is independently confirmed by, and I stress this as a journalist, two midwives in two separate practices, whom we at DailyClout interviewed," she added. DailyClout's COO Amy Kelly's report on pathology findings in a vaccinated mother also aligns with these observations.

Apparently, doctors are required to tell their patients that the coronavirus vaccine is recommended. If a pregnant woman asks her Ob-Gyn if the mRNA vaccine is recommended and deemed safe by the American College of Ob-Gyns (ACOG), the doctor is "in violation in some way of some contractual commitment that ACOG has made" if they don't say yes. "The system will work earnestly to fire that physician if they perpetrate that truth," Dr. Thorp confirmed.

"So, you are saying that obstetricians and gynecologists, to this day, at least in the United States, cannot give their pregnant patients informed consent about what we now know to be the real significant risks of taking the injection during pregnancy. Is that correct?" Dr. Wolf pressed.

"Absolutely. A hundred percent correct," Dr. Thorp responded.

Reportedly, Pfizer knew all along that the vaccine would cause issues with pregnancy, women's menstrual cycle, and more, but they continued to push the shot on the public. In April 2021, Dr. Wolf's volunteers found a report that showed damage to babies in utero from "maternal" exposure to the vaccine.

"There are also convulsions and fevers and swelling of babies who are nursing vaccinated moms."

"There are also convulsions and fevers and swelling of babies who are nursing vaccinated moms," she said. "This report went to CDC, and three days later, Dr. Walensky gave a White House press conference telling the women of America that, especially if they were pregnant, they should take the vaccine; that it was safe and effective, that there was no bad time. Before you have your baby, during your pregnancy, after having your baby, there is no bad time to take the vaccine."

Thankfully, there are a few physicians who are willing to speak truthfully about the effects of the vaccine; unfortunately, it often results in their being silenced, deplatformed, and threatened, but it has been worth it just to educate people about the dangers of the vaccine.

Outside Research Confirms the Covid Shot Interferes with the Female Menstrual Cycle

We already learned a couple of years ago that the coronavirus vaccine does in fact affect women's menstrual health. In June 2021, a comprehensive study conducted by Dr. Kathryn Clancy of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Dr. Katherine Lee of Tulane University aimed to understand the impact of the vaccine on women's menstrual cycles. The study included 39,129 women over the age of 18 who had received two doses of vaccines such as Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, and Novavax, among others. The researchers excluded perimenopausal women and focused only on those who experienced regular menstrual cycles.

The significant finding of this study was that 42.1% of the women reported experiencing heavier menstrual flows after receiving the vaccine, with many noting this change within the first seven days of getting vaccinated. Others reported menstrual changes occurring between 8-14 days post-vaccination. Dr. Clancy emphasized that these findings were "mechanistically plausible" and corroborated by other prospective studies.

The study also revealed secondary findings, identifying factors that could increase the risk of experiencing these menstrual changes. These factors include being older (for menstruating women), having been pregnant or had children, or having a hyperproliferative reproductive condition. Dr. Clancy elaborated that the uterus is an "immune organ," and the activation of the immune system by the vaccine could have downstream effects on it, including affecting the lining of the uterus, which, in turn, impacts bleeding and clotting.

The findings led the researchers to call for further clinical trials, specifically designed to understand the vaccine's impact on menstrual cycles. Dr. Clancy argued that future trials should extend daily adverse reporting to at least 14 days rather than the common 7-day window and should include questions about menstrual periods. She noted that some women had tried to report these symptoms during earlier vaccine trials but were often dismissed, with one being told that she must be "perimenopausal."

Unfortunately, this is leaving many women feeling like they cannot trust their Ob-Gyn.

Many women are becoming more and more upset about all this information being uncovered. "They recommended this to pregnant women and many doctors still are," @kenzietuff wrote on X, sharing an old post from March 2022 when Pfizer released a document showing that miscarriage was the fate of many mothers who took the coronavirus vaccine.

After years of being bullied and coerced into taking the vaccine, as well as being persecuted for criticizing the shot, many people are feeling vindicated these days. It's not something you necessarily want to be right about, since so many women were essentially forced into getting vaccinated, but it does feel good to know that we have been on the right side of history while many other public figures, newspapers and publications, and influencers were pushing for the vaccine to be administered to everyone over the last couple of years. Unfortunately, this is leaving many women feeling like they cannot trust their Ob-Gyn, but it helps to know that there are more and more physicians who are willing to tell the truth and help their patients make the best decisions for their health and their family.

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