
Porn Industry Insiders Admit They Purposefully Push Gay And Trans Porn To Influence People's Sexuality

A growing body of evidence suggests that the porn industry is intentionally trying to shape people's sexual preferences by aggressively pushing gay and trans content, with some porn advocates targeting heterosexual men, Christian women, and young children.

By Carmen Schober3 min read
Pexels/Nina Hill

The porn industry, led by platforms like Pornhub, is not merely exploiting existing desires but actively shaping and altering sexual preferences through targeted content pushes.

An X user named Boochi (@boochibooch) compiled extensive video evidence and sources highlighting how platforms like Pornhub are intentionally manipulating sexual preferences through gay and trans porn. Boochi’s research uncovered statements from MindGeek executives admitting to pushing extreme content, even targeting children as young as 12. This user’s detailed investigation includes interviews, internal quotes, and video material that expose how the industry exploits vulnerabilities, fostering addiction and reshaping personal and sexual identities for profit.

One of the most significant manifestations of this is autogynephilia, where men are aroused by the idea of themselves as women. This fetish, heavily featured in "sissy hypnosis" content, is purposefully promoted to reshape users’ sexual identities—especially in vulnerable populations.

Porn platforms employ algorithms that push increasingly extreme content, fostering addiction. Users are often trapped in a cycle of desensitization, where the material becomes progressively more niche and explicit, feeding the compulsive consumption that alters their sexual preferences. MindGeek (Pornhub’s parent company) executives have openly discussed their strategy of using porn to shape sexual identities, especially among the young.

Mike Farley, a Technical Product Manager at MindGeek, stated, "Let's say you're 12 years old, you're still figuring out your sexuality. [We] need to push stuff that's less accepted." When asked about porn being addictive, Farley replied, "We don't know the implications of this sh*t, but it can't be normal. It can’t be healthy. It has to do something."

This aggressive content push can overwhelm the developing brain, particularly in adolescents whose prefrontal cortex, responsible for impulse control, morality, and decision-making, is not fully matured. Porn’s erosion of this brain region is linked to feelings of helplessness—common in the "forced sissification" fetish. The degradation and submission inherent in these themes feed addiction cycles, making it even harder for users to break free. Dylan Rice, a Senior Script Writer at MindGeek, remarked, "See if you can convert somebody, right? Maybe someone who's never looked for anything like that might find it interesting."

Targeting Groups for Ideological Purposes

Boochi's work also revealed clear evidence of specific targeting of conservative or Christian groups through the promotion of content designed to humiliate, degrade, and "corrupt" these populations. Sissy hypnosis and trans porn often play into the psychological thrill for some to see individuals from these groups—who typically hold conservative views on gender and sexuality—become addicted to the behaviors they oppose.

This deliberate effort is not only about reshaping sexual preferences but also undermining personal values and ideologies. Users are lured into a community where their core beliefs are attacked and subverted, often without them fully realizing it. The pleasure derived by some from seeing these individuals, particularly Christian white women and children, succumb to this manipulation is part of a larger strategy of ideological warfare. These actions fuel feelings of helplessness, humiliation, and submission, further reinforcing their dependency on pornographic content. Boochi has exposed multiple X accounts that exist to push this kind of content on these populations.

Humiliation and Self-Destruction

Humiliation and self-objectification are key themes within sissy hypnosis and trans porn content, with many users being conditioned to accept their own degradation as part of their sexual identity. The appeal of these fetishes often lies in the inversion of traditional power dynamics, where the individual derives satisfaction from surrendering control and embracing feminization or humiliation. This degradation is not only sexual but deeply psychological, leading users to internalize self-objectification as part of their identity.

Porn platforms like Pornhub exploit these vulnerabilities, pushing content that glorifies the loss of innocence and the defilement of purity. Many individuals, particularly young men, feel their sexual and personal identities being eroded by persistent exposure to such material. Sylvain Fernandez, Production Coordinator at MindGeek, even admitted that porn is seen as “educational” for young boys, stating, "Maybe they’ll find their kink." The normalization of extreme and degrading sexual behaviors reinforces the addictive cycle, leaving users feeling trapped in a constant search for more extreme material.

The Connection to Addiction and Profit Motive

MindGeek and other companies profit immensely from addiction. By opposing age-verification laws and blocking access in eight U.S. states, Pornhub reveals its agenda: to hook users as early as possible, securing a long-term customer base. The younger a person is exposed to porn, the more likely they are to become addicted and dependent on it. Keeping children and adolescents from being shielded from this content ensures a steady stream of future revenue for the industry.

Additionally, the porn industry has openly bragged about the success of its content manipulation. In a recent press release, Pornhub boasted that “Transgender” is now the site’s third-most popular category, a clear reflection of their push to normalize and promote this kind of content. It is no longer about catering to existing desires but shaping them—ensuring that even those who initially resisted or had no interest in such content are slowly converted into long-term consumers.

A significant aspect of the ongoing debate surrounding the porn industry is the strong opposition from Democrats against age verification laws. These laws, designed to protect minors from accessing explicit content, have been repeatedly challenged by Democratic lawmakers, citing privacy concerns and free speech issues. This opposition works in favor of the porn industry, which financially benefits from the unrestricted access of younger audiences. With fewer regulatory barriers, platforms like Pornhub can continue targeting impressionable youth, ensuring long-term addiction and profit growth.

The Long-Term Consequences of Porn Addiction

There is mounting evidence that porn consumption, particularly of extreme categories like sissy hypnosis and trans porn, erodes the prefrontal cortex. This brain region, which controls morality, willpower, and impulse control, is critical for mature decision-making and is only fully developed in adulthood. Porn-induced damage to the prefrontal cortex is linked to feelings of helplessness and the inability to resist compulsive behavior, which helps explain the psychological effects seen in those addicted to "forced sissification" content.

Through desensitization and habituation, the porn industry has a powerful tool to reshape the sexualities of mentally vulnerable individuals. As long as these platforms can operate without restriction or accountability, they will continue to exploit people for profit, damaging not only individuals but society as a whole.

A Predatory Industry

The porn industry’s deliberate promotion of gay and trans content is part of a calculated strategy to reshape sexual preferences, particularly among vulnerable individuals. By exploiting addiction, degradation, and the erosion of personal and moral identity, platforms like Pornhub ensure a steady stream of consumers. The consequences—loss of innocence, self-objectification, and lifelong dependency—are devastating, yet central to the industry’s business model. As long as they continue to push against age-verification laws and bombard users with corrupting content, the cycle will persist.

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