
Progressive Democrats' New "Mean Girl" Campaign Strategy Of Calling Conservatives "Weird" Sparks Hilarious Response

Recently, a new rhetorical tactic has emerged from progressive Democrats: labeling those who disagree with them as "weird." This strategy, while intended to marginalize and discredit conservatives, has done the opposite as Americans weigh which party is actually the "weird" one.

By Carmen Schober2 min read
Pexels/cottonbro studio

The term "weird" has been deployed with increasing frequency by progressive Democrats and their allies in the media. Figures like Donald Trump and J.D. Vance have been most targeted, with headlines and pundits echoing the same sentiment that these individuals—and by extension, their supporters—are somehow outside the bounds of normalcy.

The "Weird" Label

This campaign aims to cast right-wing figures as outliers, hoping to alienate them from mainstream voters. However, this narrative twist seems to be a classic case of projection, where the accusers themselves embody the very traits they attack in others.

"This is now a core Dem strategy, mean-girl shaming of cons as 'weirdos' who are not 'having a normal one,'" explained Dudley Newright on X. "At a deeper level, I suspect they recognize that they've spent the last decade burning through their credibility by championing people and ideas and images that normies see as extremely freakish, despite wall-to-wall propaganda."

"The dems are now the party of gay pride piss play and kid castration and twerking senators and post-ops flashing kids at the white house," Newright went on. "They overplayed their hand with this stuff, and they know it. This is their attempt to brute force a sentiment reversal."

Irony and Projection in Political Strategy

Projection, a psychological defense mechanism, involves attributing one's own undesirable qualities to others. In this case, it appears that the progressive wing, and its associations with radical ideologies, is projecting its own "weirdness" onto conservatives.

Consider the progressive platform: It champions putting the "rights" of men who identify as women over actual women, allowing them full access to their private spaces, scholarships, and sports. Progressive Democrats also support life-altering, irreversible surgeries for minors, along with the erasure of parental rights. They wholeheartedly support exposing young children to sexually explicit materials in school and withholding information from their parents.

Abortion on demand is another massive part of their platform, including when a baby is full-term, as well as their ongoing promotion of disastrous "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" initiatives that reduce people to their race.

Meanwhile, on platforms like Reddit, one of the largest hubs for left-wing activists, there's a disturbing track record of supporting the "rights" of pedophiles.

If all that wasn't enough "weirdness," the left-wing agenda also involves unchecked mass immigration complete with taxpayer-funded benefits (at the growing cost of women's lives around the world) combined with the defunding of the police.

Unsurprisingly, violent mobs and economic devastation have also been linked to their leniency towards criminal behavior.

When it comes to economics, their favorite policies include anything that disincentivizes business owners and innovation while levying higher taxes on the middle class.

And their bullying tactics to limit free speech and stifle open debate are the "weird" little cherry on top.

Moreover, nearly all corporate and media establishments have now largely aligned with progressive causes for power and payoffs, creating an increasingly creepy "government-sponsored" veneer to their "journalism" and entertainment efforts.

These elements create a radical departure from what the average American wants from their government that many find disturbing, dangerous, and indeed, "weird." And—oh, wait, I forgot about the obsession with men in drag reading to small children.

That's totally not weird.

A Strategy of Diminishing Returns

While the media tried to push the "weird" rhetoric, it seems to have backfired quickly, as many across social media contrast the average conservative with the average liberal. And while many normal people exist on both sides, it's undeniable that Democrats have let their freak flag fly for a long time, and it's too late to take it back.

Many voters recognize that the party advocating for radical shifts, fueled by pseudo-intellectualism, is, by definition, challenging what's "normal" and therefore embodying the very essence of "weirdness."

In the end, a return to normalcy and freedom is what many Americans long for. Unfortunately, that's the opposite of what the Democrats are promising.

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