
QUIZ: Do You Have Pretty Privilege?

Does it ever feel like the rules of society don’t apply to you and your gorgeous face? You might have Pretty Privilege.

By Renée Walton4 min read
Pexels/Roman Iskanderov

Once upon a time, when I was a young, fresh-faced, college student, I made the dreaded trip to the tire and lube shop and endured the awkward, out-of-my-element process of getting an oil change. 

The situation was unremarkable, until it came time to pay. When the employee poked his head into the waiting room to tell me my car was done, I headed to the register, ready to dish out a hundred bucks (my car took full synthetic, eek!) and be on my way. That’s when the service guy informed me that someone had already paid my tab. Confused, I asked who this mystery donor was. The oil change guy wouldn’t tell me – not that I would’ve known who he was talking about if he had. I hadn’t interacted with anyone in the waiting room, and I didn’t know anyone who worked there. He seemed just as baffled as I was. I walked out of there in disbelief (admittedly slightly nervous that my mysterious car maintenance sugar daddy was going to follow me home), but was mostly satisfied that I had unexpectedly saved $100. 

Over the years, I’ve told this story whenever a “pay it forward” situation comes up in conversation. Every time, people have told me that I only got that free oil change because of my Pretty Privilege. And, at the risk of sounding conceited, I happen to agree. Hear me out. 

Countless studies have backed up the idea that attractive people are more likely to have advantages in terms of career, education, politics, and normal, everyday life. But really, do we even need a study to tell us something that we instinctively know to be true? Think about it: If you’re being honest – based on appearance alone – given the choice of sitting in a crowded waiting room next to someone who’s attractive or someone who’s lacking in the looks department, which seat are you choosing? Now apply that principle to nearly every other facet of life, and you have an understanding of the concept of Pretty Privilege. Now I’m not saying I got a free oil change because I’m some knockout, but I can’t help but wonder if I would have gotten the same treatment if I had been less conventionally attractive. 

Curious about whether your knockout looks have given you a leg up in life? Take our quiz to find out. Choose the scenario that’s most typical for you: 

The baby sitting in the row in front of you on an airplane notices you and smiles. 

  1. You smile back and coo a sweet hello. Then he turns around, and the interaction is over.  

  2. You smile and wave at him throughout the flight, but he’s mostly interested in other things. 

  3. Suddenly, you have a new travel bestie. You’re making faces and playing peekaboo the entire flight. His mom asks you to hold him while she goes to the restroom, and she even asks for your contact information to set up nannying. 

Are those sirens you hear? Yep. Those red and blue flashing lights in your rearview mirror mean you’ve been caught going 60 in a 45. You: 

  1. Freak out. The last thing you need in this economy is a speeding ticket, and at 15 over, there’s no way you’re getting off the hook. 

  2. Are frazzled but try to remain calm. You take a deep breath and swipe on a coat of lipgloss while grabbing your license – sometimes a gorgeous smile and the cute and innocent “who, me?” act can go a long way. 

  3. Aren’t worried. Do people actually get in trouble for this sort of thing? 

You’re in a waiting room for what feels like an eternity when the older woman sitting next to you strikes up a conversation with you. 

  1. You’re friendly as you commiserate over the long wait, and then the conversation is over. 

  2. You chit-chat about the wait, the weather, and the HGTV show that’s playing on the waiting room TV – surface-level topics that aren’t too personal. 

  3. She’s super chatty, and before long, you know her whole life story: where she met her husband, where her children went to school, the names of her grandchildren, and on, and on… 

You’re at the register picking up dinner at your favorite sushi place when you realize you left your purse at home. You tell the guy at the counter that you’ll be right back with your payment, and just as you’re about to leave, he says: 

  1. He’ll keep the food warm for you and see you soon. 

  2. You can take it for now, and he’ll charge you for it next time you’re in. You’re a regular, after all. He’s sure he’ll see you again. 

  3. It’s on the house this time. Consider it customer appreciation day.  

You’re at a busy coffee shop when the girl at the table next to you asks if you can keep an eye on her laptop while she uses the restroom. You say yes, and: 

  1. She’s back as fast as humanly possible. Honestly, you didn’t even realize someone could go to the bathroom that quickly. 

  2. She takes a normal amount of time, and then profusely apologizes for taking so long when she gets back. 

  3. She goes to the restroom, gets in line to order another drink, and then goes outside to make a phone call. You’re starting to wonder if she’s ever coming back… 

You run as fast as you can to catch your bus and just make it. You’re a hot mess, and ready to sit down and catch your breath – until you realize there’s nowhere to sit. 

  1. Oh well, looks like you’re standing. 

  2. People scoot to make room for you, but you still have to stand. That’s fine – you’re just relieved that you made it on. 

  3. Multiple people get up and offer you their seat, including a pregnant woman, a teenage boy, and a man with a cane. 

You’re at the grocery store and walk right up to the u-scan without realizing there was a line of people waiting. The man who you accidentally cut in front of: 

  1. Brusquely informs you that he was next, while tapping his foot waiting for you to get to the back of the line and wait your turn like everyone else. 

  2. Tells you there's a line. You apologize and start to head to the back of the queue, but he smiles and tells you it’s no big deal, so you keep scanning. 

  3. Does nothing. You don’t even realize there was a line until you’re on your way out the door. Whoops! 

One more thing: What are your thoughts on going blonde?

  1. Eh, not for me. 

  2. I’m not opposed. 

  3. Being blonde is a way of life. It just feels right. 

You Got Mostly 1s:  

We all know that true beauty is about more than having stunning good looks. There’s no doubt that you’re beautiful, but your greatest strengths lie in things more virtuous than your outward appearance – which is good! Chances are you’ve built character over the years since nothing was handed to you because of your image.

You Got Mostly 2s:  

You’re the classic girl next door: Pretty in a relatable, down-to-earth sort of way. You remind people of their daughter or granddaughter, which sometimes earns you a privileged status. In other words, your cuteness is working for you – own it!

You Got Mostly 3s: 

You’re so smokin’ hot, it’s almost as if the rules and conventions of society don’t apply to you at all. Not only do your top-tier looks make you untouchable, but people are more likely to trust you, and you’re more likely to get ahead in your career and in the dating scene. It’s a pretty girl’s world, and we’re all just living in it.