
Raw Vegan Food Influencer Zhanna D'Art Dies Of "Starvation"

She lived on a diet of exotic fruits for years, but many suspected that she was malnourished and exhausted during that time.

By Gina Florio3 min read

Vegan influencer Zhanna Samsonova, known to millions of viewers as Zhanna D'Art, tragically died on July 21 after living exclusively on a diet of exotic fruits such as durian and jackfruit for several years. The 39-year-old Russian national was a fervent advocate of raw foods and used social media platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram to promote her restrictive eating regimen. However, her diet led to deteriorating health, as one friend noted her "exhausted" appearance and "swollen legs oozing lymph."

Vegan Influencer Zhanna D'Art Dies of Starvation

Samsonova was known as @rawveganfoodchef on Instagram, and she regularly shared photos of her raw plant-based diet, sharing fruits such as durian and vegetable-based cold soups. On May 16, she shared her lunch: one whole "honey melon" and "fresh squeezed carrot juice." She was most recently living in Southeast Asia.

Her mother attributed Samsonova's death to a "cholera-like infection," but an official cause has not been declared. Some of her friends suspect that her "all-durian and jackfruit diet" was to blame. They reported that Samsonova appeared to be melting away but believed that she was fine. In her recent videos, she does indeed look emaciated, extremely skinny, and malnourished. But she continued to post photos of her raw vegan food anyway, encouraging people to eat fruit and other plants.

"And finally it’s a Fruits Seasons in Thailand! This is the most awaited time! Time to gain weight!" she wrote in a recent Instagram post.

Samsonova's passion for raw veganism was fueled by a desire to look younger and avoid the perceived aging effects of "junk food" diets. She loved to create her recipes and inspire others to eat healthily. Her daily consumption consisted of "fruits, sunflower seed sprouts, fruit smoothies, and juices."

Raw vegan diets, while providing some health benefits like weight loss and improved heart health, can also lead to serious nutritional deficiencies if not properly planned. Deficiencies in calcium, Vitamin D, and especially Vitamin B12 are common, resulting in potential anemia, nervous system damage, infertility, and heart disease. A recent study even found that 100% of participants on a raw vegan diet ingested less than the recommended amount of Vitamin B12. The absence of animal products may lead to insufficient protein intake, impacting muscle health, as well as infertility and hormonal imbalances.

Despite the grim circumstances of her death, some of Samsonova's devoted followers refused to believe that her diet was the cause, claiming chemicals in the fruit were responsible. Others claim that Samsonova was actually suffering from anorexia and she masked it as a raw food vegan diet. Some commented that her hair looked dry and dull, which indicated that she had been ill and malnourished for a long time.

"She might have had an eating disorder but raw veganism killed her. Stop denying the dangers of veganism," one person commented on the last video she posted.

The situation draws attention to the importance of balanced nutrition and the potential dangers of restrictive diets. While the vegan lifestyle has gained popularity for its ethical and potential health benefits, extreme measures can lead to tragic consequences. Samsonova's death is a poignant reminder of the need for a well-rounded and informed approach to nutrition. A raw foods diet can offer benefits but must be undertaken with proper knowledge and attention to essential nutrients. This tragic case also underlines the responsibility of influencers in promoting health and lifestyle choices. Followers often look up to influencers for guidance, inspiration, and information. The influence of social media personalities can be both positive and negative, depending on the information they share and the lifestyles they promote.

Her family is now awaiting a medical report and a death certificate to determine her official cause of death. Meanwhile, her story serves as a stark warning about the potential dangers of extreme dietary choices, bringing to light the complex relationship between social media influence, personal beliefs, and the critical importance of balanced nutrition.

Veganism has been gaining popularity in recent years and it may seem like the more "compassionate" choice for people who are animal lovers because they think that their diet doesn't result in any death at all. But vegans fail to realize that it takes a large amount of land for crops to produce the amount of plants and grains they need to eat their vegan diet, and all of that land was originally inhabited by animals. But these are not the cute animals that are featured in the vegan campaigns, like cows, pigs, chickens, etc. The animals that are killed to make room for vegan crops are snakes, birds, rodents, rabbits, etc. Apparently, vegans don't care as much about these animals' lives. There is no way to eat and live on this planet in the modern era without some kind of animal death. Additionally, there are so many more studies coming out revealing how harmful the vegan diet can be, especially for women who need animal fat to produce healthy hormones, be fertile, and manage their menstrual cycle properly. Samsonova's death may not have been exclusively because of her raw vegan diet, but there's no denying that it played a large role. As many mourn her premature passing, we are left with the difficult question of how many more illnesses and deaths we need to see before we realize how dangerous these extreme diets can be.

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