Season 6 Of “Love Is Blind” Is The Most Chaotic Season Yet
This might be the most dramatic season of “Love Is Blind” yet – which also means it's unquestionably the best.

To put it frankly: The last season of Love Is Blind was boring, so boring that we had low expectations for this season even making it onto our FYP pages, much less our long watchlists. So, we were pleasantly surprised to discover that this might be the most chaotic season yet. Set in Charlotte, North Carolina, season 6 is the perfect blend of romance and drama (but mostly drama), and we can’t get enough.
The Pods Were Completely Unhinged
The pod phase of the show is when the couples get to know each other through conversation – they can’t see each other, so they have no idea what the other person looks like. Couples only meet in person when they get engaged, which makes the pod phase emotional, entertaining, and just a bit crazy.
The season started by introducing us to one of the most controversial cast members of all time: Matthew, a 37-year-old financial advisor. He has a massive holier-than-thou attitude, but that’s just the start of what makes him annoying. In the first episode, he makes a connection with AD, a 33-year-old real estate broker, even going as far as asking about her family. AD is smitten but quickly learns that he dropped some of the same exact lines to another girl.
Matthew took to Instagram to discuss the backlash he has received since the show aired. He wrote, "Key element of my story that was never disclosed is that I live an alcohol-free lifestyle and did the experiment sober. It was a key factor in why I had so much difficulty connecting with women in the beginning. There was also many misrepresentations and falsehoods created in my opinion to smear my character. I look forward to telling my side of the story with the full truth at the appropriate time." [sic]
While it’s hard to tell if he’s using his sobriety as an excuse to be a jerk (which makes no sense, btw) or if he actually had a hard time in the pods (maybe he was really nervous?), it will be interesting to see what he says at the reunion.
Another entertaining aspect of the pods is the many love triangles that formed. The first was between AD, Matthew, and Clay, but it ended when Matthew left the show after getting called out and AD got engaged to Clay. The second love triangle was between Jeramey, Laura, and Sarah Ann, but we’ll get more into their drama later.
The final love triangle (which was technically a love rhombus because it had four people) was between Jimmy, Jessica, Chelsea, and Trevor. Jimmy, a 28-year-old software salesman is torn between Jessica, a 29-year-old single mom and executive assistant, and Chelsea, a 31-year-old flight attendant and event planner. To make matters worse, Chelsea is torn between Jimmy and Trevor, a 31-year-old project manager. Jimmy ultimately chooses Chelsea, which works out because she chooses him over Trevor (who allegedly had a secret girlfriend while filming, but that’s only the start of the drama for this newly engaged couple).
Every Couple Is Entertaining
From wholesome to completely chaotic, every couple that got engaged in the pods this season is one to watch. Here’s an overview of all five of them.
Amy and Johnny
Possibly the most wholesome couple of the season, we’re obsessed with Amy and Johnny. They were the first to hit it off in the pods and get engaged, and they seem to have a strong emotional and physical connection. They bonded over their mutual love of family (such a green flag), and Johnny even got the blessing from Amy’s father to marry her.
The only downside is that Johnny is absolutely terrified of accidentally getting Amy pregnant before they’re ready because she’s not on birth control. He doesn't fully understand the many, many reasons why women would choose to not be on birth control, which is frustrating for many viewers (Evie readers, especially.) They want to be intimate before their wedding and seem to be working through the issue, but it would be helpful if Johnny knew that women can only get pregnant a couple of days each cycle.
Brittany and Kenneth
Brittany and Kenneth started off with a lot of promise. They only seemed interested in each other, and their mutual love of God made them look extremely compatible. All of their pod dates were wholesome, so we were rooting for them when they finally met after the proposal and seemed to be attracted to each other.
Toward the end of their honeymoon, the cameras caught several awkward moments of silence between the couple, hinting that there wasn't a whole lot of chemistry, especially on Kenneth's side. Unfortunately, things only got worse when they returned to Charlotte from the Dominican Republic. They agreed to wait until marriage to have sex, but Kenneth seemed to take this as a cue not to show any physical affection toward Brittany. She even stated that they had never made out before. He spent the majority of his time on his phone, and Brittany eventually confronted him for completely checking out of the relationship. In a strange turn of events, they broke up with few words and a friendly hug and Kenneth walked upstairs seemingly unaffected while Brittany stayed downstairs crying.
AD and Clay
AD and Clay hit a rough patch in the pods when he said that looks are important to him (is he aware of what show he’s on?), but they eventually overcame it and got engaged. At the reveal, it’s clear that they’re both very attracted to each other, and their trip to the Dominican Republic went smoothly.
When they returned to Charlotte, Clay expressed that his biggest fear in marriage is that he will eventually cheat on AD, which is what his father did to his mother and what he said he sees in many black celebrity couples as well. While not having a good role model to look up to for marriage is potentially a red flag, it’s good that he’s self-aware, communicating these emotions, and is willing to do the work to get to the point where he no longer has this fear and can fully commit to AD. Clay has shown a lot of growth so far in his journey already and much of that is due to AD pushing him to become a better man. There’s hope that this pair will make it down the aisle, but we wouldn’t be surprised if one of them says no at the altar.
Laura and Jeramey
Laura and Jeramey’s entire journey was chaotic, and it started with a love triangle in the pods between them and Sarah Ann. Things seemed to be going well until Laura joked that Jeramey should “bean dip” AD (flick her boobs with his finger), and Jeramey told both AD and Clay about it. Laura was embarrassed because she clearly saw it as a joke (weird joke, but okay), and Jeramey slept on the couch.
In a twist of events that everyone saw coming, things didn’t get better when they got home. Laura discovered that Sarah Ann had messaged Jeramey to let him know that he could reach out to her if he thought he made the wrong decision. This is not only completely inappropriate on Sarah Ann’s part, but Jeramey made it worse by “liking” the message.
Jeramey went out late one night but shared his location with Laura to ensure that he was only going to a bar. Laura tracked his location to see that he was in Sarah Ann’s neighborhood at five in the morning, which was only made worse when he admitted that Sarah Ann was at the bar with other guys from the pods. He later admitted that he’d driven Sarah Ann home because it was late and slept on her couch, but nobody (even his mom) was buying that they didn’t hook up. This led Laura and Jeramey to break up at the pod reunion barbeque, and we all howled with laughter when Laura told Jeramey to “kick rocks with bare feet.”
Chelsea and Jimmy
We’re not exaggerating when we say that Chelsea and Jimmy might be the most chaotic couple in the history of Love Is Blind, and it all started at the reveal. Back in the pods, Chelsea shared that she’s been told she looks like Megan Fox because she has dark hair and blue eyes. While Chelsea is pretty, she doesn’t look like Megan Fox, which led Jimmy to say that she “lied to him.” Jimmy seemed shocked at the reveal, and the overall vibe was that he wasn’t attracted to Chelsea. It didn’t help that he kept reassuring her he made the right decision by choosing her.
Things looked good in the Dominican Republic until they met the rest of the couples for drinks. Jimmy told Chelsea that he thought AD was “stacked,” leading Chelsea to feel insecure about her own body. This led to an argument with Jimmy insisting that he loves Chelsea. Things only got worse when they got back to Charlotte, and Jimmy saw a picture of Jessica, which made Chelsea even more insecure.
Jimmy then introduced Chelsea to a group of his friends who were entirely female, and yep, you guessed it, this made Chelsea even more insecure because every ex she had with female friends cheated on her with one of the friends. Jimmy went out by himself for a drink one night, which led to a fight where Chelsea was mad that he was with a girl friend he once hooked up with, and she later accused him of seeing Jessica behind her back. However, the whole fight seemed to be Chelsea projecting her insecurities and accusing him of doing things with no evidence.
After the fight, they spent the night apart but made up the next morning. It seems like they don’t even like each other, and it’s safe to say that this couple is a ticking time bomb. We’ll be surprised if they make it to their wedding day and utterly shocked if they get married.
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