Sexologist Alfred Kinsey's Perverted Research Laid The Groundwork For The Miserable Dating Culture That Is Considered Normal Today
Alfred Kinsey used prison populations as research participants and even documented the sexual abuse of children as young as 5 months old.

Alfred Kinsey, born in 1894, was an American biologist and professor of entomology and zoology. Yet, he is best known not for his work in these fields, but for so-called pioneering research on human sexuality that was meant to challenge established norms. Initially, Kinsey focused on the study of gall wasps. However, in the 1940s, he shifted his attention to a considerably less-explored field: human sexual behavior. Recognizing the significant gaps in understanding and the pervasive misconceptions about sexuality, Kinsey became committed to studying it "empirically," using scientific methodology.
Kinsey's views on sex were progressive for his time. He believed that sexual behavior was a continuum rather than a binary, which challenged the perceived binary conception of heterosexuality and homosexuality. His research claimed that a range of sexual behaviors, desires, and identities were prevalent and normal, attempting to dismantlie many societal taboos surrounding sex. He argued that the diversity of human sexual experience was natural and that societal restrictions on sexual behavior were generally unjustified.
Kinsey and his team conducted thousands of intimate interviews, gathering detailed data on individuals' sexual histories. The findings of this pioneering research were published in two volumes, known as the Kinsey Reports: "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" (1948) and "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female" (1953). The reports provided previously unseen insights into human sexual behavior, revealing that practices considered deviant, such as premarital sex, extramarital sex, homosexual behavior, and swinger culture were common. His research served as a catalyst for the sexual revolution of the 1960s and significantly influenced subsequent research in sexology.
In contemporary American society, Kinsey's research continues to resonate in tremendous ways. His belief in the fluidity of sexuality can be seen in the increasing acceptance of various sexual orientations and identities. Concepts such as the "Kinsey Scale," which posits sexuality on a spectrum from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual, are now commonplace in discussions about sexuality. However, when you take a closer look into what Kinsey's research actually entailed, you'll see that much of it was perverted, unethical, and downright dishonest.
Sexologist Alfred Kinsey's Perverted Research Laid the Groundwork for Miserable Modern Dating
Kinsey's mission was not merely to explore the broad spectrum of human sexual behavior, but also to challenge sexual morality and the traditional family structure. He strongly opposed conventional norms of marriage and propagated that all sexual activities, even those considered highly taboo, such as pedophilia and bestiality, were normal. A viral clip from the Whatever podcast features Lila Rose, founder and president of non-profit organization Live Action, explaining how Kinsey was actually a disturbed man who conducted perverted research in the name of sexology.
Lila explains that Kinsey, who is known as the godfather or grandfather of sexology today, wanted to prove that people were "sexually deviant" (this was the term used at the time), rather than interested in or wired for monogamy and traditional family. He created social data by surveying prison populations, collecting information that showed how prisoners were interested in all sorts of disgusting behavior, such as rape, bestiality, swinger culture, etc. He then positioned this research as if it were reflective of the general population of America, but he was just lying.
Among his more disconcerting beliefs was his claim that children were sexual from birth, could experience orgasms, and could potentially benefit from incestuous and adult-child sexual interactions. To test these theories, Kinsey's research allegedly involved the molestation of hundreds of children, some as young as 5 months old.
Kinsey reportedly documented the abuse of 317 boys, aged between 5 months and 15 years old. The controversial data, which continues to be referenced in academic circles today, came from a single pedophile who recorded the reactions of the children he abused to alleged orgasm. This method has been widely criticized for its ethical breaches and its contribution to normalizing child abuse.
In "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" (1948), Kinsey asserted that all orgasms are "outlets" and equal, whether occurring between a husband and wife, a boy and a dog, or a man and a boy, girl, or baby. In his view, there was no abnormality or normality in sexual behavior, a perspective that has been widely criticized for promoting harmful and illegal activities.
Despite the contentious nature of his methods and hypotheses, Kinsey's ideas have deeply influenced the sex education curriculum in many school systems. Organizations like Planned Parenthood and the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), often associated with progressive sexual education, have been influenced by Kinsey's work.
Kinsey's work significantly shaped modern perspectives on sexuality, which has resulted in the miserable world of modern dating. Because of all the academia and cultural content (particularly Hollywood) that has derived from Kinsey, single people have been led to believe that there is no such thing as perverted sexual behavior. This means they need to accept the fact that people have multiple sexual partners, there is no purpose to marriage, and we should not be judgmental if people are interested in things like orgies. No wonder so many single people are so miserable when it comes to dating. They have been taught to rage against the models of marriage, traditional family, and monogamy. The result is loneliness, depression, anxiety, and a lack of meaning and fulfillment. This has also opened the door for the attempt to redefine pedophiles as "minor-attracted persons," which only poses an imminent danger to children and teens.