
Shocking Interview With Indian Men About Who Is To Blame In Sexual Assault Cases Is Deterring Women From Visiting India

A growing number of women no longer desire to visit India, and an interview giving us a glimpse into its culture tells us why.

By Nicole Dominique1 min read
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India has a rape crisis. According to The Hindu, the country averages 86 rapes a day and 49 offenses against women per hour. This year, a Japanese tourist was seen being molested and harassed by numerous men in the streets of New Delhi. The country's violence, noise, chaos, and filth have compelled women to seek other travel destinations.

"There is simply not a single good reason I can think of that any woman should be in India," shared Anna Slatz of Reduxx, who posted a video of an interview featuring Indian men.

The men in the video agreed that if a woman wears anything revealing, she is essentially "inviting" rape. Most shockingly, however, is the number of guys who believe that sexual assault is consensual. "Women are inviting rapes," one male said. "Nobody rapes without consent."

In another clip, the interviewer says, "But rapes always happen without consent." The person he spoke with simply nodded and added, "How can they be forced? If I am standing next to you, will you force yourself on me? Rapes can't happen by force. A woman's consent is there." An older man echoes his statement. "Such things are never one-sided," he claims.

The Indian men earnestly believed sexual abuse was always a woman's fault. When another man was asked, "How can you blame a woman who has been raped and burnt to death?" he responded, "Maybe she was wearing revealing clothes." The end of the video raises some more confusion – the same guys who think that rape is consensual claim they respected women.

These street interviews show us the harrowing truth about India's rape culture: Survivors of rape are unfairly criticized, dehumanized, and made to feel responsible for what happened as if they were the ones who caused it. Most victims cannot receive the justice they deserve due to legal expenses they cannot afford. Even if they did have the money for it, who would they go to? This year, a 13-year-old accused an Indian police officer of rape – after she was purportedly gang-raped by four men. Women in India can't even trust the men who are supposed to help and protect them. It's no wonder people don't want to visit anymore.

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