
Streamer Destiny Goes On Anti-Trump Rant And Mocks Victims And Their Families

After the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, popular liberal streamer Destiny used his platforms to suggest the violence was justified and mock the shooter's victims and their families.

By Camille Lowe3 min read

Steven Bonnell, known online as Destiny, made a name for himself as a gamer and political commentator. He heavily pushes liberal ideology and many consider him representative of what a standard young "progressive" stands for today.

So, when he condoned the assassination attempt on Trump and started viciously mocking shooting victim Corey Comperatore, some were horrified while others were not surprised.

Some of his tweets were quickly deleted, but Bonnell continued sharing equally heinous statements throughout the night and into the weekend, with the main focus of his mockery being Comperatore's death.

He was similarly hate-filled in his subsequent live streams and chats where he told traumatized people to "go f**k themselves." While some of his followers became uncomfortable, many of them celebrated his comments and encouraged them.

Public Response

As his tweets and videos received more visibility, other liberals attempted to defend him by insisting he was simply acting in line with his political principles

"Destiny thinks Trump did an insurrection with electoral fraud," wrote one user. "No conservative in the space has been willing to deny this. None have read it. So Destiny thinks if Trump gets elected it will end democracy. So the next logical step if you think he’s going to win [is] you should shoot him."

While many people have debunked Destiny's claims about electoral fraud and the so-called "insurrection," some do agree that Destiny is being true to his ideology while other Democrats like Biden and AOC aren't.

"How the f**k can you say he’s literally Hitler and Democracy is on the line but we wish him a speedy recovery and political violence is never acceptable?" asked Dave Smith. "If you have been saying any of that insane shit, then at least have the integrity to admit that this is the logical conclusion of your lies."

A commentator named Clint Russell debated Destiny in the midst of his tirades and shared his conclusions on X.

'First off, he's in a really bad place," began Russell. "No, I don't say that to elicit sympathy for him. Just being honest. He repeatedly wrote off the loss of life yesterday and claimed with all sincerity that anyone who supports Trump is essentially subhuman. Worthy of disdain if not assault. I do believe he is sincere in his fear of Republicans and their voters. He saw the missed assassination attempt yesterday and knew like we all did, that this would almost certainly usher in a 2nd Trump term, and he is horrified and lashing out. I think that's all this is. A guy who has convinced himself that half the country is evil and he's now willing to support evil to stop them."

"Setting him aside for a moment, there are millions of people that agree with him," Russell added. "That's an enormous problem and I have absolutely no clue how, or if, you can heal that divide."

"The only worthwhile aspect of the discussion was when I challenged him on the following--if you claim that Trump is a danger because he is a threat to democracy but 70 million people voted for him and he's the favorite to be the next president, why is democracy worth defending?

"The obvious self-defeating argument led him to acknowledge that, in fact, democracy is not an inherent good if it is the tyranny of the majority. If that majority is evil, then democracy is evil. I write all of this just to explain that the entire "we must defend democracy" talking point has literally nothing to do with democracy. It is simply about power. A verbal cudgel used entirely to justify their not even slightly veiled intention to dominate you" concluded Russell. "Just remember that."

Others wondered if perhaps Destiny's shattered personal life could be contributing to the breakdown since he recently went through a divorce after living as a "cuck," a label he openly embraced until his wife left him for another man.

Destiny's Destroyed Reputation

Since Destiny's hate-filled rants have gained national attention, people have been digging into his past and found similarly disturbing allegations of Destiny frequently joking about having sex with children. Destiny also publicly stated that child porn can be "pragmatic" and seems "okay."

He's also allegedly expressed hatred for Arabs and Muslims after his wife Melina had sex with an Arab man named Nymnn and forced Destiny to watch. Users are sharing a video of Destiny attempting to prevent Melina from kissing Nymnn in public.

Closing Thoughts

Some are wondering if Destiny is simply trolling for engagement or perhaps trying to bait conservatives into acting violently against him or other Biden supporters to gain sympathy for their political party.

Others have concluded that he's just letting his progressive beliefs play out to their logical ends, which is a sad spiral of self-serving moral relativism and clinging to his preferred narratives by any means necessary.

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