Strength Training 3 Times A Week Reduces Risk Of Death By Cancer And Cardiovascular Disease, Per New Research
We all know that strength training helps us burn fat faster, boost our metabolism, and aid in weight loss. But research also shows that strength training 3-4 times a week can reduce mortality rate and lower your risk of death by cancer and cardiovascular disease.

When you think about lifting weights at the gym, weight loss and physique probably come to mind. But there are many unsung benefits of strength training that contribute to longevity. In fact, just strength training 3-4 times a week pays off big time when it comes to your overall health, and they don't even have to be long sessions.
Strength Training 3 Times a Week Reduces Risk of Death by Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease, Per New Research
Health and wellness expert Mike Mutzel shared new research on his Instagram to show how powerful regular strength training is for people who want to live long, healthy lives. "Out of an 'abundance of caution' you should resistance train 3 to 4 days per week," he wrote. New research shows that this simple routine reduces all-cause mortality by 27%, cardiovascular disease mortality by 19%, and death by cancer by 14%.
"A new systematic review provides the strongest evidence to date that resistance training is associated with reduced risk of all cause mortality as well as death from heart disease and cancer," Mike continues in the caption. A total of 10 studies were included in the meta-analysis, showing that strength training for even 60 minutes total each week could result in improved health.
"Why haven’t public health experts created financial incentives to get people exercising like they have for other things?" Mike poses the question.
During the height of the coronavirus pandemic, government officials closed the gyms and prohibited people from working out in any indoor spaces due to an irrational fear of a virus that has a 99.9% survival rate. Meanwhile, politicians bribed citizens with cheeseburgers and donuts if they got the coronavirus vaccine. If public health experts incentivized a shot that supposedly improved our health (spoiler alert: it doesn't), why wouldn't they incentivize exercising, which is proven time and time again through research to improve health and longevity?
Many people in the comment section speculate that the government wants people to be sick, compliant, and unhealthy—because those are the citizens that are easy to tax and control. Whatever the reason may be, there's no denying that public health experts push vaccines on everyday Americans while refusing to acknowledge that there are some proven lifestyle and dietary choices that prevent the contraction of a virus and a host of diseases and chronic illnesses that not only lower the quality of life but also shorten people's lives.
Resistance training doesn't necessarily mean you have to lift very heavy weights. You just need to strength train in a way that is comfortable to you, whether it's free weights or a combination of weights and bodyweight exercises, and you need to do it consistently. Strength training doesn't have to be high-intensity. There are many different ways to accomplish resistance training without burning out. Choose whatever routine is right for you and stick with it no matter what.