
The 10 Worst Celebrity Stylists And The Shocking Outfits That Will Leave You Speechless

For every celebrity style sensation that graces the pages of Vogue, there are countless box-office-sized fashion flops.

By Taylor Bennett5 min read
Getty/Michael Loccisano

Was Kristin Wiig really to blame for the 2020 Oscars Lasagna Dress debacle? No – at least, not entirely. Her stylist was the one who destined her to run the internet-criticism gamut…because do you really think Kristin would’ve picked that dress off the rack? Though stylists can easily be named among the many unsung heroes in a celebrity’s life, there are plenty out there who more aptly deserve the title of secret style villain.

Putting a label such as “bad” or, dare we say, “worst” on any one designer is a daunting task. It forces us to imagine that beauty is not, in fact, subjective and that one person’s style suggestions can actually be “wrong.” However, facts are facts – and, in the case of these 10 designers, the fact is their star-studded styles are, more often than not, flat-out fashion flops.

Law Roach

Members of the fashion police know better than to tangle with the Law. There’s no doubt that this celebrity stylist has done a lot of things right. Clients Zendaya and Celine Dion have signature styles that are iconic and effervescent – everything one would expect from two of the 21st century’s most lauded icons. But that doesn’t excuse some of Law Roach’s more questionable fashion flops, such as this vintage Olympic-ring thing (is it just us, or is it giving diaper vibes?) in Paris, this complete mockery of the Christian faith (or is it just pure paganism?), and Roach’s own – flat-out frightful – self-styled look for Pride Month.

When men are stripping down past their skivvies, donning artfully (?) ripped tights, and beading their dreads in every color of the rainbow…well, a bit of vigilante justice might be in order. (We haven’t even gotten to the whole fur-coat-and-cowboy-boot mixed metaphor.) We’re sorry, Mr. Roach, but not even Zendaya’s most show-stopping moments can forgive the likes of this fashion fatality.

Marni Senofonte

When you have Beyoncé and Jay Z banging down your door and begging for fashion advice, it might be safe to assume that anything goes – after all, they’re two of the music industry’s most famous and controversial figures. Shouldn’t their clothing cause the same kind of stir? According to Marni Senofante (who’s also done styling for Kendall Jenner, by the way), the answer is yes.

But there’s a difference between unconventional and unacceptable – and many of Ms. Senofante’s styles stand firmly in the latter. Not to say that those with an appetite for the absurd might not swoon over the admittedly…inventive…nature of her styles. Sure, it’s possible. But many of her most-lauded looks run the gamut from inspiring a “what-am-I-seeing?” kind of confusion to glorifying a not-suitable-for-work sexualization of pregnancy. All in all, the effect rarely hits the mark.

Veneda Carter

Kim K might think that Veneda Carter is “the coolest girl in the world,” but our eyes are burning. Stylist to the one and only Kim Kardashian, Veneda Carter is as daring as her client, and her work showcases brazen modernity infused with styles rooted in rap and hip-hop aesthetics. The result is a design methodology that turns every outfit into street fashion…even those destined to walk the red carpet.

Quite frankly, the majority of Ms. Carter’s styles are…unfathomable. Even when looking right at the ensemble, we struggle to comprehend the reality of neon camouflage, puffer jackets trimmed with striped feathers, and whatever that is on this poor guy’s head.

Marta del Rio 

Let’s face it, we’re not one to go, well, gaga for a certain Hollywood star’s wardrobe choices, so chances were good that we weren’t going to sing the praises of Marta del Rio, who has styled not only Lady Gaga but also Gwen Stefani and Tiffany Young. We’ll admit that, every now and then, she nails it (like with this pink-pink-pink style for Paris Hilton). But, more often than not, her magic misses its mark. We’re all for expressing originality and taking style risks, but only when done in a tasteful way. Instead, Ms. Del Rio’s work often takes on a post-apocalyptic, almost otherworldly cast, transforming outfits into grim shadows of the trends we might endure if the entire world falls prey to the grunge aesthetic.

Certain styled outfits give off Corpse Bride vibes. They likely could be constructed from dumpster-dive finds more easily (and certainly more economically!). Not one to shy away from any ambitious aesthetic, Ms. Del Rio often employs outrageous hair colors in electric neon shades to the point that, with a single glance at the style, we can feel our own ends splitting. In short, Ms. Del Rio’s style is an object lesson in the old adage. Because, in this case, less is (most certainly!) more.

Samantha Burkhart

The problem with Samantha Burkhart’s styles isn’t so much that they’re so bad as that they could be so good. But, with clients such as Billie Eilish, Sia, and Katy Perry among those on her celebrity roster, Ms. Burkhart’s designs are fated to exist forevermore without a single ounce of normal. Her star-studded looks feature everything from neon shades (sometimes streaked through hair) to ultra-long nails that resemble something from a sci-fi series. While a bit of the outrageous is to be expected, Burkhart’s styles tend to lean into the dark side of fashion, incorporating unwholesome inspiration and borderline disturbing motifs.

An overboard of sequins and Louis Vuitton logos can be forgiven, but her ultra-goth abominations are another story. Especially tragic is the fact that Ms. Burkhart’s looks usually include at least one piece that, minus a barrage of clashing colors or half-destroyed accessories, could have been beautiful. However, there is no restraint shown here, making most outfits look messy, stressy, and downright depress-y.

Brett Alan Nelson

We truly don’t know what is going on in this stylist’s mind. A peek at Brett Alan Nelson’s webpage reveals male models with oversized hand blazer cuffs (yes, really…we think) and some of the most terrifying makeup looks we’ve seen yet. His fashion is otherworldly in an alien-robot sort of way, often covering a client from head to toe (literally) in one color or forgetting to cover enough of his female models’, um, assets.

Miley Cyrus, Doja Cat, and Lizzo have all seen fit to seek out the styling services of Mr. Nelson, and his style is admittedly in line with their own – that is, outrageous to the point of confusion, blasphemous to the point of revulsion. Rather than celebrating his clients’ femininity, Brett Alan Nelson flaunts it in a barely covered-up version of fashion feminism that falls far from the realm of beauty. His looks could be called dreamy, sure, but they’re more aptly suited to the land of nightmares.

Jahleel Weaver

No, no, no. That’s the response we had upon opening Jahleel Weaver’s styling profile for the first time. The stylist and creative director for Rihanna, among others, Mr. Weaver has perfected the art of too much of a good thing – or of a bad thing, for that matter. (Some of) His irreverent, completely outlandish looks seem like something you’d find on the cover of an X-rated magazine, while others are just…unfathomably absurd.

However, Dua Lipa can fathom it – she, too, has employed Jahleel Weaver’s expertise (or lack thereof) in her own wardrobe overhaul. She might see the beauty in his work, but we’re still trying to decide what we’re looking at half the time. With an emphasis on increasingly perplexing shapes and silhouettes, baffling color palettes, and hairstyles that defy the laws of, well, just about everything, Mr. Weaver has something special. We’ll leave it up to you whether or not it’s as especially bad as we contend.

Kollin Carter

Cardi B might be head-over-heels for his looks, but we’re not feeling the love. Sure, some of Kollin Carter’s styles stand out as chic, classy, or sassy. A few of them, we actually liked. (Or, at least, liked the idea of.) The looks are all a little racy, but some of them offer us the clean lines and twists on traditional figures that we’re looking for when it comes to celebrity style.

However, the vast majority of the time, Kollin Carter’s styles look thrifted – and, in the interest of transparency, we’re talking about the dumpster-dive version of thrifting. Then, there are the looks that might have been accidentally developed for an early 2000s kids’ sci-fi show. Of course, no parent would dare expose their child to most of the styles without a securely attached blindfold. Patched, raggedy jeans that look like they need a month-long spin cycle; barely-there clothing that flaunts pregnancy in a way that detracts from the miracle of life; lingerie masquerading as appropriate evening attire…Mr. Carter is saying something with his styles, but whatever it is, we’re not sure we want to hear it.

Anna Trevelyan

Working for the likes of Alicia Keys and Nicki Minaj, Anna Trevelyan is a self-professed “maximalist,” and her styles remain true to her claim. Psst, when we say that, we mean fuzzy-sweater-and-matching-skirt sets in russet shades, covered in faux autumn leaves. With a leaf-blower accessory instead of a purse. (We wish we were joking.) Frankly, the clothes Trevelyan dresses her clients in aren’t as bad as they are completely, unbelievably bizarre.

Hodo Musa

Quite possibly the worst of all celebrity stylists, however, is Hodo Musa. Her work styling rapper Lil Nas X is truly beyond belief. Though, after all we’ve seen, we can’t disbelieve it, either. The fact of the matter is Ms. Musa has a talent for the outlandish, absurd, and profane. She also emphasizes the male figure a bit too obviously – and that’s all we have to say on the matter. There’s so much wrong with the way Ms. Musa wields the power of fashion, we are, at long last, speechless.