The Benefits Of Marrying Young
When we live in a society where people think there are so many options out there, it can be hard to make the big life decision to settle down. With so many ways to swipe, connect, poke, and DM, it can be hard to zero in and pick one person to commit to.

There are so many benefits of being with your best friend every day. Here are just some of the benefits of marrying young:
Grow with Your Spouse
You are truly on the journey of firsts with them: the first new city after college, first apartment together, first house, first baby, etc. There is something special about sharing struggles and triumphs together as you figure out adulthood and parenting. Growing pains can make the best memories.
Growing pains can make the best memories.
You Actually Have a Different Kind of Freedom
Once I locked down my husband, I thought to myself, “Shoot, what else am I supposed to do now?” I had the freedom and motivation to focus on exploring a new industry (legal field) and training for a marathon, as well as the freedom to meet new friends. Most importantly, I knew that no matter what happened, I always had someone who was waiting for me at home. Sometimes people say they want to figure things out and settle down before finding someone, but once you find the right person, you can be set free while also having stability.
Better Chances of Healthy Children
Your fertility is at its peak before you turn thirty, and you also have more eggs than you will ever have. This is not to say that there is no chance of children when you are older, because more than age is a factor of infertility. The younger you are though, the more likely you are to be resilient and heal from childbirth, while also having enough energy to keep up with your kids.
The younger you are though, the more likely you are to be resilient and heal from childbirth, while also having enough energy to keep up with your kids.
Save Money
By being married and having a unified mission, you can make informed financial decisions together and share property together. You can have your bank accounts merge to meet financial goals and obligations and help with accountability in making responsible financial choices. By living together, you only have to pay for one living space, plus you can share more than just a living area.
You don't have to be committed to one place—just each other. While you’re young, you can pick up at a moment’s notice and move to a different part of the earth because you have an instant partner and travel companion in your spouse. Chances are if you're older when meet your spouse, you will have acquired more assets, habits, and routines. If you're stuck in your ways, you can have a tendency to be less able to adapt and let things go.
If you're stuck in your ways, you can have a tendency to be less able to adapt and let things go.
Getting married young may make people think you're naïve and missing out on opportunities, but you can genuinely thrive being married young.