
The Dark Side Of Cosmetic Procedures No One Tells You About

Recently, a distressing story surfaced about a 24-year old woman's harrowing experience at a med spa. Seeking to enhance her appearance, she opted for two common procedures: B-12 injections and Kybella treatments. She would never have predicted the horrific thing that happened next.

By Gina Florio4 min read
Shutterstock/AYO Production

Beatriz Amma's aspiration to shine as a fitness influencer took a devastating turn at 24, when a luxury spa visit for B-12 injections and Kybella treatments disastrously impacted her life.

Vitamin B12 injections are administered to boost levels of this crucial nutrient, which is essential for nerve function, blood cell formation, and DNA synthesis. People often receive these injections to combat B12 deficiency, which can lead to fatigue, weakness, anemia, and neurological issues. Women, in particular, might opt for B12 shots not only to address deficiencies but also to enhance energy levels, improve mood, and support metabolism, potentially aiding in weight management. 

Kybella treatments involve injections of a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. This non-surgical procedure specifically targets fat cells under the chin, leading to their destruction and a reduction in submental fullness, commonly known as a "double chin." The primary benefit is a more contoured and defined jawline without the need for invasive surgery. Women opt for Kybella to enhance their facial aesthetics, boost self-confidence, and achieve a younger-looking appearance by eliminating the double chin, which is often resistant to diet and exercise.

Spending $800 for over 100 injections of vitamins B12 and C combined with "fast dissolving" deoxycholic acid across her arms, back, and stomach, Amma hoped for health benefits but faced a nightmare instead. Within days, painful welts emerged where the injections were administered, marking the beginning of a harrowing battle with a flesh-eating bacterial infection identified as Mycobacterium abscessus. This rare condition, believed to have been triggered by improper injection techniques, caused her skin to deteriorate painfully.

Reflecting on the spa experience in Los Angeles, Amma recalled the establishment's legitimate appearance and its assurances of using reputable products. Yet, the aftermath was catastrophic, confining her to bed, unable to dress or care for herself due to the excruciating pain and festering lesions. The once hopeful swimsuit model faced the grim reality of her mortality during this ordeal, undergoing numerous surgeries and enduring daily six-hour IV antibiotic treatments to combat the relentless infection.

The journey profoundly altered Amma's life and career trajectory. Once dedicated to fitness influencing and modeling, she now navigates the scars and stares, having been advised against wearing bikinis publicly. Doctors warned her of the permanent nature of her condition, suggesting she abandon her influencer dreams. However, Amma chose resilience, channeling her experiences toward fostering body positivity and encouraging others to embrace their uniqueness despite societal standards or personal adversities. Three years into her recovery, Amma's battle continues, yet she remains a testament to strength and positivity, advocating for acceptance and beauty in all forms. 

Shockingly, many med spas operate with little to no oversight. A significant number of states lack stringent regulations, allowing these establishments to function without insurance. This loophole leaves clients vulnerable, without recourse, should complications arise. Furthermore, it's alarming to note that many practitioners in these spas lack proper medical qualifications or certifications, further endangering clients. Amma later discovered the med spa she went to had no medical director and no insurance.

Amma paid less than $1,000 for the treatment, but she now faces medical expenses amounting to $2 million. This cautionary tale underscores the critical importance of doing thorough research before undergoing any cosmetic procedure. The absence of federal or state regulation and the prevalence of unqualified operators pose significant risks. Alarmingly, Amma is not alone; she knows of 20 others who have suffered similar fates.

The med spa responsible for her ordeal remains operational, continually evading accountability by changing its location and name. This ease of access to potentially counterfeit and dangerous products, coupled with the claim of aesthetic expertise, highlights a dire need for enhanced government oversight and regulation in the cosmetic surgery industry. Without stricter controls, the public remains at risk from these predatory practices.

The Dangers of Common Cosmetic Procedures Lurk beneath the Surface

This incident casts a spotlight on the lesser-discussed perils associated with cosmetic surgery. There are many other common procedures that can (and do) go wrong, leaving many women in pain, despair, and sometimes with lifelong deformities. One of the most popular and high-risk procedures is the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), known for its potential to enhance body shape but also for its association with a higher mortality rate than any other cosmetic surgery. The procedure involves transferring fat from other parts of the body to the butt to create a fuller appearance. However, if fat is injected into the bloodstream, it can lead to a fat embolism, a critical condition that can cause respiratory distress or sudden death.

Breast augmentation, another widely sought-after cosmetic surgery, carries risks of implant rupture, capsular contracture (where scar tissue painfully squeezes the implant), and even Breast Implant Illness (BII), a term used to describe a variety of symptoms that can develop after reconstruction or cosmetic augmentation. These complications can lead to additional surgeries, physical discomfort, and psychological distress.

Injectables like Botox and fillers, while minimally invasive, are not without risks either. Incorrect application can lead to facial asymmetry, drooping features, or, in severe cases, blindness or tissue death. Such outcomes not only necessitate medical intervention but can also lead to long-term self-esteem issues and social withdrawal. Kybella, used to reduce double chin fat, involves injecting deoxycholic acid to dissolve fat cells. When not administered correctly, it can cause nerve injury, leading to an uneven smile or facial muscle weakness. The quest for a defined jawline can thus paradoxically result in a loss of facial symmetry and expression.

Liposuction, aimed at removing unwanted fat, can result in irregularities, infections, or even organ puncture. The physical repercussions are often accompanied by psychological trauma, as patients grapple with outcomes far removed from their expectations.

CoolSculpting, the renowned non-surgical fat reduction treatment, became a subject of controversy after Canadian supermodel Linda Evangelista revealed her distressing experience. Evangelista, an icon of the '90s fashion scene, disclosed her ordeal in 2021, detailing how a routine CoolSculpting procedure led to "permanent deformation." She developed Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia (PAH), a rare side effect that paradoxically increases fat cells in treated areas, leaving her significantly disfigured despite two attempts at corrective surgery. Evangelista's condition plunged her into severe depression and isolation, drastically affecting her career and well-being.

The journey of recovery from botched cosmetic procedures is not just a physical one but a deeply emotional and financial ordeal.

Eventually choosing to confront her situation head-on, Evangelista sued CoolSculpting's parent company, Zeltiq Aesthetics Inc., seeking $50 million in damages. She shared her story publicly, including in an exclusive interview with People magazine, revealing the profound impact of PAH on her life. Evangelista's struggle highlights the risks associated with cosmetic procedures, even those marketed as safe and non-invasive. Her case underscores the importance of fully understanding potential complications, and she advocates for awareness, aiming to prevent others from experiencing similar fates. Evangelista's openness and resilience serve as a beacon for those navigating the aftermath of cosmetic treatments gone awry, encouraging a dialogue on body positivity and the acceptance of imperfections.

The consequences of cosmetic surgeries gone awry extend beyond physical ailments. Many women experience a significant emotional toll, including anxiety, depression, and body dysmorphia, as the reality of their altered appearance sets in. The financial burden of corrective surgeries, ongoing medical treatments, and the potential loss of income during recovery can exacerbate mental health struggles.

Additionally, the societal pressure to appear a certain way often pushes individuals towards these procedures, and when outcomes are unfavorable, the shame and isolation can be overwhelming. This can lead to a cycle of seeking more procedures in an attempt to "fix" the previous issues, further endangering their health and well-being. 

Closing Thoughts

The journey of recovery from botched cosmetic procedures is not just a physical one but a deeply emotional and financial ordeal. It highlights the critical importance of thorough research, selecting qualified and reputable professionals, and considering the psychological motivations and potential consequences before undergoing cosmetic surgery. For those affected, support networks, counseling, and body positivity advocacy groups can be invaluable resources for healing and acceptance.

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