The Hottest Men Of "The White Lotus" Ranked
These are the finest men of "The White Lotus," ranked from least to most swoon-worthy.

If you're anything like us, you've been glued to The White Lotus for the drama and eye candy. From the aloof rich guys to the charming and weird shy types, we’re breaking down the hottest men of the series. Here’s how they stack up from least to most swoon-worthy, according to social media!
17. Bert Di Grasso
Bert seems like a charming grandpa at first. However, the more you hear him speak to women, the more you feel the need to apologize on his behalf, leave the room, or maybe just throw your drink in his face for good measure.
16. Greg Hunt
Greg’s a bit of a mystery—not in a fun, intriguing way, but more of a red flag! run! way.
15. Quinn
Quinn’s cute, but not in the way that sets hearts racing. He’s an awkward guy who you wouldn’t mind hanging out with—but he’s more of a "friend" than a "heartthrob" in this lineup.
14. Gaitok
Gaitok’s definitely a sweetheart. He’s got that puppy dog energy, which is cute, but not quite the type to make you weak in the knees. Still, you can’t help but want to protect him, which is a vibe in itself.
13. Dominic Di Grasso
Dominic’s rugged, silver-foxed look is something we can't ignore. However, he also fails to change his womanizing ways.
12. Mark
Mark’s got that dad-energy that can be oddly endearing. At the same time, he’s neurotic, insecure, and constantly overcompensating.
11. Pornchai
Pornchai’s got that gentle vibe going. He’s fit and attentive, especially with Belinda.
10. Lochlan Ratliff
Lochlan’s cute, but he’s also really odd. You get the feeling you want to protect him as much as you’d want to swoon over him. He's adorable, but his awkward vibe holds him back a little from the top spots.
9. Shane
Shane’s infuriating, let’s be real—but you can’t deny he’s got that rich-boy swagger that makes him just a little more attractive than he deserves to be. The confidence might be grating, but it’s hard not to notice him when he’s in a room.
8. Jack
Jack’s the bad boy we all secretly love. He’s got that cocky, confident attitude that makes you want to roll your eyes—and yet, you’re also kind of into it.
7. Rick Hatchett
There's something attractive about Rick, no matter how annoyed or frustrated he is. Even though he has a receding hairline and is always angry, he's still easy on the eyes and is incredibly fit!
6. Timothy Ratliff
Timothy always looks like he’s on the verge of a breakdown, but let’s not forget that he’s played by the Jason Isaacs. No matter how stressed, drugged-up, or criminally entangled he is, the man is still objectively hot. Plus, he's a family man. I'll overlook the money laundering and other crimes.
5. Kai
Kai’s got that surfer-boy energy that’s just so easy to love. He’s cute, laid-back, and doesn’t try too hard, which makes him irresistible.
4. Albie Di Grasso
Tall and Italian? Yes, please! Albie is one of those guys who’s so adorable you just want to take care of him. He’s shy, a little awkward, and yet, all of that makes him attractive. There’s something about his vulnerability that makes him even more swoon-worthy.
3. Saxon Ratliff
Saxon looks great—until he talks. The second he opens his mouth, the ick is instant. Some people are meant to be admired from a distance.
2. Ethan Spiller
What makes Ethan so attractive is his drive and patience. His physique is top-tier, and while he’s a little lacking in the confidence department, there’s something magnetic about him. His quiet strength makes him one of the hottest guys on the show, but when he does get mad, it's pretty attractive.
1. Cameron Sullivan
Cameron is the total package. I mean, how could you not love Theo James? He’s got the looks, playfulness, and confidence that makes him impossible to ignore. Plus, he's rich and fit!
And there you have it! The hottest men of The White Lotus, ranked from the least to the mostswoon-worthy. Do you agree with this ranking? Let us know who you’d put at the top!