
Latest Government Data Suggests Mandates And Lockdowns Didn't Reduce Covid—No Benefits, Only Harm

A recent in-depth study has delivered a sobering verdict on the global response to Covid-19. Years after unprecedented measures like lockdowns, masking, and vaccine mandates were implemented worldwide, the findings suggest that they made no positive impact whatsoever.

By Carmen Schober1 min read
Freedom Isn't A "Carrot" To Force Us To Do What The Government Wants Shutterstock

Conducted across 181 countries and analyzing 16 different government responses, the study employed a staggering 99,736 analytic models.

Its goal was clear: to determine whether these measures had any significant effect on Covid-19 cases, infections, deaths, and overall excess mortality. The conclusion, however, was stark and unexpected for many: There was little evidence to support that these interventions made a substantial difference.

While initial claims of "flattening the curve" and "saving lives" echoed through governmental halls and media outlets, this study suggests that those who insisted strict measures were the only way to achieve a positive outcome were making a baseless claim.

Using the most comprehensive methods, the researchers analyzed the relationships between government responses and Covid-19 outcomes, focusing in particular on how those outcomes improved or worsened following government responses. The final result is composed of nearly 100,000 reasonable ways of assessing the relationship between government responses and Covid-19 outcomes.

"Perhaps most importantly, we cannot conclude that there is compelling evidence to support the notion that government responses improved Covid-19 burden, and we cannot conclude that there is compelling evidence to support the notion that government responses worsened the Covid-19 burden," states the study. "The concentration of estimates around a zero effect weakly suggests that government responses did little to nothing to change the Covid-19 burden. This conclusion departs meaningfully from many scientific studies of government responses."

In essence, the costly mandates and lockdowns apparently did nothing to reduce the transmission of the virus. They did however have a devastating impact on people's livelihoods and mental health, which is also well-researched and documented.

Businesses shuttered, livelihoods were lost, and mental health was strained under the weight of policies enacted with the promise of public safety. The human toll, from fractured family relationships to soaring mental health crises, paints a poignant picture of unintended consequences.

Critically, the study invites reflection on the broader implications of such governmental interventions. It also calls into question the narrative that dissenting voices were merely "conspiracy theorists" who didn't care about saving lives rather than those who truly wanted the best outcome.

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