
The Results Of This Election Will Directly Affect How Safe You Feel—Here’s How

The safety and livelihood of women and girls have been increasingly threatened and encroached upon. Embarrassingly few government officials seem to really care, much less do anything about it – including the administration that’s currently propping up the sitting Vice President as the champion for change, despite her having done virtually nothing in the last four years. If this seems severe, it’s because we’re living in a dire situation that stands to get worse.

By Thea Serrano5 min read
Pexels/jasmin chew

The feminists of the early 2010s decried the rampant “rape culture” throughout the United States at every level of society: on university campuses, in the workplace, in the dating world. They spearheaded the #MeToo movement and shouted from the rooftops how women are not safe, they’re being deprived of their rights and humanity, and that the time for change is now.

Today, a vast majority of them are silent in the face of the exact horrors and dangers they described.

X user Jess Gill describes Britain as “a place where you [can’t] walk down the street without being harassed by someone.” She notes that most of the men who have harassed her and her friends and made them feel otherwise unsafe were not British.

A French woman from Lyon using the alias “Lili R” wrote in July: “My daily life has become unbearable. I write this because, ten years ago, I could go out with my friends in the evening, at any hour, without being bothered, insulted, followed, or stabbed.” She describes how someone tried to kill her boyfriend by cutting his throat – something that happened recently to a man walking his dog in Birmingham (thankfully, an arrest was made and the victim was stabilized).

Lili describes the danger she lives in daily: Men follow her and insult her when she refuses to engage with them and they whistle and make noises at her as if she were a dog. She highlights that this is not all men, but those of immigrant background and of Sub-Saharan or North African origin. Lili writes, “I am afraid when I am alone at home. I am afraid when [sic] outside. Now I am always afraid.”

The feminist movement that called all men trash predominantly offers two responses: silence (which is deafening given that the impact of the #MeToo movement can still be felt to this day) and accusations of racism, bigotry, white woman tears that get people of color killed, and other forms of victim-blaming. Ultimately, the safety of women is trumped by the need to protect the image and reputation of the men harming, raping, and killing them.

But this is happening in Europe, you might think. True, but if it can happen in Europe, it can happen here. We should be looking at them and their experiences with horror and utmost empathy, as an example of what to avoid, and as fuel to fight for it to never arrive here – though in some places, it already has.

Open Borders, Open Season

The problem with European countries like the UK and France is that despite not having an open border, they act as though they do. On paper, there’s a formal process for entering the country and standards for remaining. But one Sudanese refugee was granted leave to remain while facing a rape charge and only may be deported after serving his sentence post-conviction.

Since 2018, the UK has seen a substantial increase in “refugees” arriving by small boats through the English Channel, as reported by The Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford. Approximately 29,437 arrived in the UK via the Channel in 2023 and 45,774 in 2022. Compare this to 1,843 in 2019 and a mere 299 in 2018.

The Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford
The Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford

The Migration Observatory also says that the majority of those crossing the Channel are made up of five nationalities: Iranian, Albanian, Iraqi, Afghan, and Syrian. A majority of those refugees are granted asylum in the UK, with a near 100% acceptance rate for Syrians and Afghans.

The Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford
The Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford

Islam is the official religion of Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq; Syria, Albania, Eritrea, and Turkey are majority Muslim. Tens of thousands of refugees are granted asylum, even after being rejected, thanks to the system of appeals. What happens when a country imports tens of thousands of people, certainly more than 1,000 every month into a predominantly Christian nation?

The BBC reported just a few days ago, at the time of writing, that a rape offense is reported every hour in London. Let me repeat that: every hour. Last year, almost a quarter of reported sexual crimes were from people under the age of 18. Furthermore, the amount of actual rapes is even higher than the reported figure, as such crimes often go unreported due to victims’ feelings of shame, the legitimate fear they won’t be taken seriously, or the fear that nothing will be done about it – which recently spurred an instance of vigilantism in Sweden after a teenage girl was allegedly raped by a taxi driver.

In 2022, the BBC reported that recorded rapes in England and Wales have doubled since 2015/2016, from just over 36,000 to just over 70,000 in the year to March of 2022.

Could the mass acceptance of refugees from a wildly different culture, with wildly different values – including viewing women as unequal and unworthy of the same rights as men – possibly be related in any way to the massive uptick in sexual violence against women?

“Again,” you may say, “this isn’t happening in the U.S.”

Pew Research Center reports that the US Border Patrol had a quarter of a million encounters with migrants crossing into the U.S. from Mexico in the month of December 2023, citing government statistics. They write, “the monthly number of encounters has soared since 2020.” I wonder what happened that year.

Hundreds of thousands of those migrant encounters were single adults, and in 2023, over half of migrant encounters were from countries other than Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. In December 2023, 47,000 encounters were migrants from Venezuela, up from just 6,000 the previous year.

Meanwhile, in Colorado, Aurora City council members said they believe that a Venezuelan gang takeover has caused the closure of a local apartment complex, after speaking with police officers, residents, and the property owner.

Property management claimed that the transnational gang known as Tren de Aragua had taken over the complex, and “the site had become too dangerous for staff to work there” to address problems with the property, causing numerous property code violations. However, Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman said the code violations “go way back,” seemingly implying the gang issues aren’t relevant at all.

Note that there are areas in Latin America where violence and lawlessness is the norm. Police can be bribed, and you’ll only get their help if you’re somebody of influence or importance or if you have money. Otherwise, if something happens to you, you’re on your own. Of course, there are many honest, hard-working Latino people. But those who seek to take advantage of a lax border, like we have under the Biden-Harris administration, often don’t fall into that category.

Additionally, countless Latino men unfortunately hold misogynist views on top of violent tendencies, carried over from a culture of machismo. It’s important to note, many Latin American countries hold some of the highest rates of reported femicide.

12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray was killed by two Venezuelan migrants who entered the country illegally at the Southern border earlier this year. They lured her under a bridge in Houston, assaulted her for two hours, then strangled her to death before dumping her into a bayou. She was found the following morning, naked from the waist down.

Outlets like the New York Times took a page out of the machismo handbook and glossed over the literal, brutal death of a real young girl to whinge about how it will be used as ammunition by Republicans to attack Biden’s and other Democratic immigration policies. They claim uncited studies find “that immigrants commit fewer crimes than legal residents.” They also subtly imply some level of blame on the victim, including the detail that she had been sneaking out to see her boyfriend, and using the word lured in quotation marks when they didn’t need to be used.

If you’re here illegally and prove yourself incapable of not committing crimes, and especially if you commit a crime as brutal as violating and murdering an innocent child, you definitely forfeit your “right” to remain here.

They Don’t Care About You, Your Sisters, or Your Daughters

One of the murderer’s lawyers in Jocelyn’s case worked to prevent information about her case from being made public, as attention to it “is likely to produce a result of undue prejudice.” Again, somehow the image of a rapist and murderer matters more if they’re illegal immigrants.

In September, 158 Democrats voted against the “Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act.” The Act would make it so that “undocumented migrants convicted of sex offenses or domestic violence will be deported or deemed inadmissible to the country.”

In response, Rep. Pramila Jayapal said, “Scapegoating immigrants and attempting to weaponize the crime of domestic violence is appearing to be a time-honored tradition for Republicans.” Rep. Jerry Nadler also described the bill as an attempt to use immigrants as a scapegoat.

These people would have the name and image of a victimized girl be forgotten. They’d rather pretend it’s not a real issue, that no one is being harmed or killed, and if they are, it’s not at all the fault of illegal immigrants or the uncontrolled border.

The brand of feminism in the 2010s was all about how if something horrendous like sexual assault happened to just one woman, it meant the entire system needed to be changed. Now, they don’t care if your young daughter, your sister, or you are raped or killed. Just don’t let people know the name, face, or race of your assailant.

The results of this election will determine if we remain on course and if things will continue to get worse. We, like the UK and other European countries, may continue to see an all but completely open border (in some cases, border agents have been barred from enforcing the law at all), and the attempted protection of the reputation of illegal alien criminals. Based on the testimonies of Jess Gill and Lili R., we may very well see more girls and women afraid for their lives simply walking the streets of their small towns or suburbs, afraid for their little daughters who may be made subject to the horrors of sick and vile monsters.

All of this begins to beg the question if radical feminists were right, and the world (with the exception of genuinely good men and women) just hates women. The current administration, along with Democrat Representatives like Nadler and Jayapal, certainly make a case for that.