The Ridiculous Attempt To Cancel The Term 'Breastfeeding'
Cancel culture seems to grow more absurd by the day. The new target? The term “breastfeeding.” Hospitals in the UK are leading the charge to delete this word and replace it with “chestfeeding.”

Similar to Harvard Medical School’s use of “birthing people” in place of “women,” this term, the British hospitals assert, is more inclusive and less offensive to transgender or non-binary individuals. Jessica Martucci of the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and Anne Barnhill of Johns Hopkins University backed this initiative, writing that “promoting breastfeeding as ‘natural’ may be ethically problematic” and “may bolster this belief that ‘natural’ approaches are presumptively healthier.”
Chestfeeding Is Less Biologically Accurate
Issues with this term abound (as with most — if not all — of cancel culture’s ventures). To begin, “chestfeeding” is simply less accurate than “breastfeeding.” In the world of medicine, accuracy in terminology is crucial.
Biologically, only females have breasts and can, therefore, breastfeed.
The term also negates science by implying that a person without breasts could breastfeed. Biologically, only females have breasts and can, therefore, breastfeed. Following the skewed logic of cancel culture, we shouldn’t refer to open heart surgery as “surgery” as that would imply that only a surgeon could perform the task. Isn’t that term offensive to a dentist who could, hypothetically, also operate?
Chestfeeding Is Offensive to Women
Secondly, if the concern is that the term is offensive to certain groups of people, why not consider the affront to women caused by saying “chestfeeding”? Does this not diminish the uniquely female gift of being able to feed your child? Feminists should be outraged by the cancellation of “breastfeeding,” as it obliterates a word that defines a feminine power. Breastfeeding is challenging, self-sacrificial, completely beautiful, and something that only a woman can do. Women should rise up and demand that our femininity not be lessened in this way.
Breastfeeding Is the Best Source of Nutrition for a Baby
Finally, if Martucci, Barnhill, and those who subscribe to their beliefs are worried that the promotion of breastfeeding is wrong and that natural approaches aren’t the best in this case, then they’re not following science.
Unfortunately, not all mothers are able to breastfeed. You can’t deny, though, that breastfeeding ultimately is the best source of nutrition for a baby. Breast milk contains disease-fighting agents, lowers the risk for leukemia and many other diseases and conditions, has all the nutrients necessary for proper brain growth and nervous system development, and much more.
Breast milk contains disease-fighting agents and all the nutrients necessary for brain growth.
Breastfeeding also promotes both the physical and mental health of the mother, lowering the risk for depression, diabetes, cancer, and more. Clearly, in this case, the natural approach is the best approach.
Closing Thoughts
A child can call a dog a cat and say that the color yellow is purple. That doesn’t make her correct. Some may decide to call breastfeeding “chestfeeding” in a vain attempt to kowtow to an increasingly sensitive and victimized culture, but that doesn’t make it correct. Biological females have breasts, enabling them — and only them — to breastfeed their babies. A new term can’t and won’t change this. Facts and science can’t be changed in order to make a group of people feel better.