Why Strippers Who Aren't On Birth Control Make More Money Than Strippers On Birth Control
We all know taking the Pill is supposed to do a lot of things: regulate your cycle, give you better skin, and the whole not having a baby thing. But who knew it could lead to lost wages?

It’s All Very Primal
Unlike humans, animals in the wild make it obvious where they are in their hormonal cycles. Female baboons, for example, have bright pink behinds when they are the most fertile. This lets the male baboons know it’s time to mate.
When female humans are most fertile (during the three-day window of ovulation), we biologically and subconsciously prime ourselves for conception. We look better because our estrogen spikes, giving us clearer skin and more symmetrical faces. We feel better about ourselves, and thus we might feel a little more comfortable in that crop top or slightly lower cut shirt. It’s also important to understand that men find women more attractive when they are ovulating.
It’s important to understand that men find women more attractive when they are ovulating.
So Where Do Strippers Come In?
University of New Mexico psychologist Geoffrey Miller and his colleagues took a field trip to their local gentleman’s club, where they learned dancers made approximately $70 an hour during ovulation. They made $35 during their periods and $50 at other times.
Dancers on the Pill averaged $37 per hour, while those not on the Pill made $53. This is a huge disparity, especially over time.
The study concluded that wages can be linked to changes in facial features, body odor, and waist-to-hip ratio. These changes are caused by (you guessed it) hormones!
So Why Does Being on the Pill Make Us Less Attractive?
It turns out that being on the Pill produces hormonal cues that indicate early pregnancy. This isn’t something that attracts potential suitors or customers, biologically speaking.
The Pill produces hormonal cues that indicate early pregnancy.
But What Does This Mean for the Rest of Us?
Our hormonal cycles determine a lot about us. Our bodies change throughout the month, making us more or less “conventionally attractive,” so to say. But it’s not exactly a surprise that more conventionally attractive dancers are getting better tips.
What we may not realize is that our cycles can also impact our attitudes and interpersonal behavior in a big way. We all become a little less patient during PMS, getting annoyed with our colleagues for minor mistakes or with Amazon over a late package delivery. But for professional entertainers whose job it is to make themselves more attractive to customers (among other things), the difference is a bit subtler.
Our cycles are more important than we think, especially for those in service professions, such as waiting tables, planning events, sales, etc., so it’s a good idea to be mindful of how your hormones affect how you look and feel.
But this all indicates something larger. Tracking our monthly cycles and scheduling life around our hormones can give us advantages. For example, avoid meetings when you have PMS and do paperwork instead. And don’t forget to schedule those big pitch meetings for when you’re ovulating because you’re way more likely to hear a yes!