The Ultimate Guide To Dating In College: 10 Steps To Meeting A Quality Man
From the stories we hear, college campuses today seem like nightmares of hookup culture, binge drinking, and drug experimentation.

In my experience, that’s not the case at all though. It may be the specific college that I attend, but I believe that the quality of your college experience is up to you. It all depends on the choices you make, the groups you associate with, and the activities you take part in.
For that matter, the quality of the men in college is better than you might expect. There are good men out there, and there is one for you. You just need to know where to find him, how to attract him, and how to keep him. For those looking for a relationship, college is still, and always will be, the perfect place to start.
College is almost designed to be the ideal place to meet a guy, truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. Never again in our lives will we be surrounded by like-minded peers in such close proximity regarding distance, intelligence, and age. So, for those disillusioned with the current climate surrounding dating on college campuses, here are some tips that you may not have heard before. Read on to learn how to acquire a quality boyfriend in college, one that will last beyond these four years.
1. Consider Your Location
If you haven’t already chosen a college, this is definitely something to take into consideration. First of all, where you go to college is most likely where you’ll end up. You’ll meet friends, build connections, and get your first real job experience wherever you go to college.
While having the college itself match your goals and needs is crucial, you should also take into account the overall cultural and political climate of the state. It’s important to be surrounded by others, including men, who will most likely share those values. As for colleges themselves, look for schools that are strongly academic (rather than party) focused for a high quality man.

2. Join a Religious-Affiliated Group
In my experience, being part of a Christian group is one of the most effective dating strategies for long-term relationships. Religious young people are often seriously looking for a future life partner who shares their values. They usually date to marry. Devout Christians don’t mess around and won’t waste your time with endless “talking phases.” They have long-term goals. Also, you will have plenty of opportunities to get involved in the community, from attending church, to group discussions, to volunteering in your city.

3. Join Clubs!
Rather than frequent frat parties and bars, sign up for a lot of on-campus clubs and interest groups that you might find engaging, and make it a goal to go to at least one meeting of each to check the scene. This is a great way to meet someone who might have a common interest with you. If the club is terrible, eliminate it and move on to the next one. And the same goes for failed relationships. Let it go and move on to something better.

4. Go Dancing
What more charming way is there to meet a guy? Dancing is fun and romantic, and the perfect opportunity to get to know someone. It's a low-stress opportunity to chat with a potential mate and get to know him better. Most people who go partner dancing are looking for romance in some way. Regardless of finding a relationship, dancing is also a great workout and an escape from your daily routine, guaranteed to make for a fun night.

5. Let Him Be the Gentleman
A man wants to provide for a woman, so give him the chance to do so in simple ways, without being overly dependent. This tip can be applied in several ways. One idea is to have somewhere that you need to go, and drop a hint that you’ll need a ride. The key is to give him opportunities to be a gentleman. Provide chances for him to serve you, and for you two to be together, but let it be up to him whether he steps up and accepts. The moral is to let him be the man. Let him pay, hold the door, and walk on the street side. Show him that you value his efforts.

6. Show Interest
Every guy will tell you how important it is for a girl to show interest before he pursues her. Don’t play hard to get or play games with him. This is manipulative and will only work on a weak-minded man. A quality guy doesn’t want to waste his time and resources on someone who couldn’t care less. Show him that he has a chance. Don’t be afraid to show your excitement when he asks you to dance, ask him questions about his life, choose a seat near him. Meet his eyes and smile at him across the table.

7. Let Him Come to You
It’s crucial to show interest, but the crux is to not act on it in any major way. In general, especially at the start of a relationship, he needs to be the one to pursue you. He needs to get your number, he needs to text you first, he needs to ask you out, he needs to be the one to ask you to dance. It can be frustrating to leave it all up to him, but for a quality man, it's so worth it. The more effort he puts into pursuing you, the more valuable you will seem to him.

8. Put in the Effort
You too must do a part to attract and keep a guy. It’s the little things that make a difference. Dress up when you go out on a date to show that you care. Put effort into your outfits, even if you're just going to class. It pays off to look put together every day. Also, once you’re in a relationship, do sweet and surprising things for your boyfriend. Buy him his favorite cookies when you go grocery shopping, give him a handmade card, or send a loving text. Simple is perfectly fine, but show that you put thought into it. Another important thing is to have funny and entertaining stories to tell. Stay intellectually active by reading classic literature and interesting news stories, and he’ll love spending time with you for the great conversations.

9. Have Strong Beliefs and Morals
Anyone with strong values and morals that they abide by unconditionally is so impressive. Know your non-negotiable beliefs and standards, and know which you’re interested in discussing and learning more about. Be someone who seeks wisdom and enlightenment. Become the kind of person your ideal man would want. There’s nothing holding you back from achieving your ideal self. Find someone who motivates you to be the best version of yourself, and who makes you want to improve yourself every day.

10. Be Open Minded
Don’t eliminate someone just because he doesn’t fulfill every criterion. Having specific boxes to check off is a sure way to kill your chances of finding the right man. Instead, simply have a basic framework for what you want in the greater scheme of things. The most important thing is how he treats you and approaches the relationship. You should make sure that you both agree on the same life goals and basic political and religious ideologies, but it's okay if there is some variation in beliefs within the overall category. In the end, if you want a long-term relationship, look for long-term potential. A relationship is an investment.

Closing Thoughts
It’s important to focus on your grades, your future career, and having a strong group of girl friends in college, but in so many ways, college is also the perfect situation to meet a good man. Choose wisely when selecting a college and in deciding the lifestyle you will live out at that college. And even if you don’t find your future husband in college, there will be plenty of opportunities in the professional world where many of these tips can still apply. So, give my advice a try and stay optimistic. Keep your eyes open and give people a chance, but if you know it won’t work out, don’t waste his time or your own. The right man is out there if you know how to find him.
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