
There's Nothing Wrong With Men Wanting To Be With A Hot Girl

Is there something wrong with wanting a little eye candy or wanting to be hot? The mainstream media thinks so.

By Meredith Evans2 min read
Pexels/Evgeniy Volivach

A recent Newsweek article spotlighted men’s obsession with attractive women, linking their ideological beliefs to their personal preferences. They titled it “How Hot Girls Became the Right's New Obsession."

You could argue that they're not entirely wrong because the right does focus more on beauty than the left does. But what they didn't get right is that this is not a right-wing thing at all – beautiful women have been and always will be men’s universal obsession. Even babies stare longer at more symmetrical faces. The fascination toward beauty is almost innate, and to suggest otherwise is to ignore a fundamental aspect of human nature. 

Newsweek also took a jab at the "hot girls" who happen to lean conservative, framing their existence as a troubling sign of societal decline. Because, you know, we should all be shocked that beautiful women can have differing political views. The article also suggests that beauty should only be praised within certain ideological boundaries, implying that if you embrace your looks while holding conservative opinions, your worth somehow diminishes. "Progressive" people are so backward.

It is true that the redpill community is addicted to posting and fantasizing about them on X/Twitter, but I believe it’s a natural reaction brought on by the body-positive movement. As society pushes for broader acceptance of extreme weight, men (and women) begin to seek traditional beauty. We’re witnessing a pendulum swing. 

Now, mainstream news is demonizing men for wanting to date beautiful women, but is there truly anything wrong with such a preference? Do women get the same treatment by the media when they say they want a man that’s over 6’0”? What’s so wrong with being attracted to beauty? Camille Paglia, a feminist who often criticizes liberal feminism, said it best: “We should not have to apologize for reveling in beauty. Beauty is an eternal human value. It was not a trick invented by nasty men in a room someplace on Madison Avenue.” 

A man from the comment section of the article echoes my sentiment and wrote, “Another example of the Left being at war with human nature. Healthy men like to look at beautiful women. Period. Has nothing to do with politics. Why do all the Leftists in Hollywood default in favor of casting attractive women in movies and TV shows? To make nice-nice with their ideological enemies, those white male yahoos? I don't think so. They do it because beautiful women are, well, beautiful. To transform that fundamental biological reality into some sort of political issue is nonsense. Laughable, really.”

Moreover, the influence of progressive feminism has fostered an environment where beauty is often dismissed as superficial or a patriarchal construct. But the truth is that women find empowerment in feeling beautiful and taking care of themselves. Most insane beauty trends are brought on by women. More often than not, aesthetic choices (buccal fat removal, Botox, fillers, etc.) are inspired by female influencers or celebrities. It's fascinating – and somewhat ironic – that the very beauty standards and societal pressures we grapple with are largely dictated by women themselves. Yet, we blame most of these issues on men when so many of us have played a role in shaping and upholding unrealistic ideals.

Anyway, here's my take: It’s completely okay to desire a hot partner, and you can be hot, too. Don’t let the media tell you otherwise.

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