There's Speculation That "The Woman King" Audience Score And Reviews On Rotten Tomatoes Are Manufactured
"The Woman King" is a 2022 drama about the Agojie, an all-female warrior unit that protected the West African kingdom of Dahoney in the 1820s. Viola Davis stars as the protagonist who trains the next generation of warriors. The movie is being propped up as an empowering film for women and minorities.

Hollywood has been promoting The Woman King as a film that empowers black women because of a controversial African queen as the protagonist. It was inspired by true events, allegedly, and directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood. The movie tells the story of the most powerful all-women army in world history, but there has been some backlash about the role that the Dahomey Kingdom played in the Atlantic slave trade. Even so, the film is being especially propped up by the media and said to be widely praised by critics. However, there is much speculation online that the reviews for the film are being fabricated in order to generate interest.
There's Speculation That "The Woman King" Audience Score and Reviews on Rotten Tomatoes Are Manufactured
When you look at The Woman King on Rotten Tomatoes, it has a 95% rating from critics. There are 160 reviews from various movie critics, many of who say that Viola Davis gave an excellent performance. One person praised the "nuanced tapestry of the female experience that can only come from a movie centered around multiple women rather than just one." When you look at the audience score, it's almost unbelievable how well it was accepted. Evidently, 99% of the audience loved the film, which is a pretty high number.
To give you a point of reference, Black Panther had a 79% audience score, No Time to Die scored 88%, and The Batman got a 87% approval rating. It seems pretty unlikely that The Woman King would rake in a 99% approval. There has been chatter on social media that the reviews are being doctored in order to feign popularity and love for the film.
"Rotten Tomatoes is actually manufacturing fake reviews for the Woman King movie to give it a higher rating, and I’ll show you," Twitter user @FatherQuads wrote. "The profile claims to have 99% audience score, and over 2,500 verified reviews."
"The only problems is that they’re all short, posted soon after one another, and don’t talk much about the content of the movie, rather how much of a YAS SLAY QWEEN Viola Davis is," he continued.
He even shared screenshots of the comments and it's pretty clear to see that they all look eerily similar.
The only film that has even gotten a 99% audience rating in the last few years is Top Gun: Maverick, which was universally loved. @FatherQuads investigated the reviews found on other websites, noting that Metacritic scored it 2.6 out of 10 and IMDB rated the movie 6.1 out of 10.
"So are the Rotten Tomatoes 'verified reviews' manufactured? Almost certainly," he wrote. "Which is sad because it shreds whatever little credibility that RT had over a heavy-handed black panther knockoff. You’d think they’d save their political capital for something more substantial?"
"But no, Hollywood and their lackeys in the media go back to the ole tried and true playlist of making a diversity inclusive movie, pushing it super hard, and then crying racism when it flops," he continued. "It might have worked once or twice, but I think most people have had it."
Many people have been sharing the thread and agreeing with the likelihood that the entire audience response on Rotten Tomatoes is completely manufactured.