Thinking For Yourself In An Echo Chamber That Tries To Define You
Are you constantly asking for the opinions of others or seeking their approval? Do you find yourself copying and imitating behaviors or appearances to receive validation rather than developing your own personal voice?

Do you find yourself competing with others socially for status or achievements or do you celebrate your own unique journey? If you’ve found yourself caught up in any of the former activites mentioned above, rather than the latter, perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate your core beliefs about yourself and others and to ask yourself if you have found your identity in something internal or external. Here are a few thoughts to remember when looking in the mirror:
To blaze your own trail, first realize that the greatest competition is yourself
When you wake up every morning, you have to look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I am going to give my unique and personal best today for the greater good of myself and others.” If you have done this, you can do no more, and there is no need to compare yourself to others. This mindset takes true mental awareness and strength to achieve.
You must bravely accept the title of underdog, rebel, maverick, outcast & misfit
Understand, that if you are marching to the beat of your own drum, you may not fit in with certain others. They may taunt, insult, accuse, bully or attack you. However, you can handle the rejection and criticism of others without being easily offended or without retaliating, because the opinions of the naysayers will no longer matter when you’ve already faced yourself head-on and dealt with that person staring back at you.
Understand, that if you are marching to the beat of your own drum, you may not fit in with certain others.
A self-thinker should surround themselves with other self-thinkers for support
Even if you are a self-thinker, you are a still a human being who most likely desires some form of acceptance, affirmation, validation and to feel worthy. We desire to fit in, to be seen, heard, desired and understood. You should surround yourself with other self-thinkers who can provide all of the above, but who can also give you constructive criticisms and help you out of your comfort zone, as well! Surround yourself with people who affirm your worth and appreciate your presence and who challenge you in love.
You should surround yourself with other self-thinkers who can provide all of the above, but who can also give you constructive criticisms and help you out of your comfort zone, as well!
A self-thinker should protect themselves from others who walk in denial and lies
When others speak lies over themselves or you because of their own feelings of unworthiness or low self-esteem, you can easily partner with a lie about your worth and identity, as well. Protect yourself from toxicitiy and do not internalize the misguided beliefs of those who project and perpetuate their own undealt-with traumas and misunderstandings back onto you. Dis-engage from negative conversations that are unproductive. Surround yourself with the truth. You will then be able to respond to negativity with a very cool, collected reserve, remaining unaffected, because lies are none of your business to know about… Keep it positive and shift the atmosphere with light and truth.
Dis-engage from negative conversations that are unproductive. Surround yourself with the truth.
A self-thinker is not concerned with the approval of the masses or the majority at large
The majority is not always right. Sometimes the majority has jumped onto a popular bandwagon that seemed socially acceptable to a group of others who were copying and imitating each other to fit in, but the bandwagon was sadly misguided. A true self-thinker has the ability to listen to all the other opinions and voices around them and to stand firm unwavering in their own beliefs. Stay strong out there!