
Trans-Identified Woman Says She Is Lonelier Than Ever In Emotional Video: "I Understand Why The Suicide Rate Is Higher In Men"

A woman who transitioned and appears to be a man sheds tears and shares an emotional video about how difficult life has been for her since she came out as transgender.

By Gina Florio3 min read
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It's becoming more and more popular to see people identify as transgender. There are more male public figures like Bruce Jenner and William Thomas who have openly "transitioned" and have started living life as if they are women. This has created a kind of domino effect that has resulted in more people than ever before coming out as transgender and doing everything they can to "transition." Gender transition is a process that can involve social, medical, and legal changes. Some people may undergo hormone replacement therapy or surgeries, while others may choose non-medical transition routes, such as changing their appearance, name, or pronouns. The decision to transition, like any life-changing choice, can bring about various physical and psychological effects.

One concern that has been raised in various studies is the heightened risk of mental health issues among transgender individuals, including depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that the rate of suicide attempts among transgender people was significantly higher than the general population. Some activists claim that it's because transgender people face societal pressures and discrimination, but nobody can deny that the hormone replacement therapies and surgeries that mutilate their bodies play an even bigger role. Hormone therapy can lead to various side effects such as blood clots, cardiovascular issues, changes in mood, and increased cancer risk, depending on the type of hormones used and the individual's overall health condition. Surgical procedures carry their own set of risks, including infection, complications, and the possibility of dissatisfaction with the results.

Even more than the physical toll that these procedures have on individuals, there are the emotional struggles they endure. One viral video shared by independent journalist Libs of TikTok shows a trans-identified woman crying and lamenting over the fact that she is lonelier than ever since she came out as transgender. She looks like a man on camera and may pass for one in person, but she says that pretending to be a man has been extremely difficult for her.

Trans-Identified Woman Says She Is Lonelier Than Ever in Emotional Video

At first glance, the person in the video seems to be a man. She has a full beard and is wearing a hat and a t-shirt. But when you hear her voice, you can tell that this isn't a typical man's voice. Then she starts to get emotional as she describes how difficult the transition has been for her since she started identifying as a trans man.

"Nobody told me how lonely being a man is," she said. "I've had closer friendships with random women in the bathroom I met at clubs than I had in my eight years of transitioning because women are just so much more vulnerable and deep."

She fights back tears as she continues, adding that other trans-identified females understand what she's talking about. Before they "transitioned," they knew what it felt like to have deep interactions with other women, what it felt like for women to hug you and want to talk to you.

"And then you transition, and you're just a guy walking down the street that people cross the street so that they're not near you, and friendships are so much harder to build, and people are colder," she said. "And what's hard is that none of this invalidates how real and raw women and people who are in marginalized groups feel about cis white men. All of that's valid, but I also now understand why the suicide rate is so much higher in men because this sh*t is lonely."

The suicide rate is indeed higher among men than women. As of 2021, men are nearly four times more likely to commit suicide than women are, even though women are more likely to attempt suicide. Men are also more likely to struggle with drug addiction, homelessness, bankruptcy, etc. Most women are not aware of this, primarily because the feminist agenda has convinced so many people that men have it easy in our world because of the supposed patriarchy.

"I'm an emotionally mature man; I know how to build friendships, and it is still really, really hard," she continued. "Try to think about how you can, in your small little community where you can feel safe, can reach out to the men in your life and just help them feel maybe seen for a moment."

When people support transgenderism and gender ideology, or even participate in it, they fail to realize that there are inherent differences between men and women. That's why you will never be able to fully "transition" from man to woman, or woman to man. We already know that men and women have different chromosomes, sex organs, hormones, etc. But men and women also have different brain function and thus general personality differences, which results in experiencing the world in a completely different way. Women are indeed more social, more compassionate, more likely to build a community of friends around them, more likely to be warm and welcoming. Men are more likely to be interested in things, working out, sports, playing pranks on one another, etc. It doesn't matter how much hormone replacement therapy you enroll in or how much facial hair you grow, at the end of the day, you're still a woman. You'll never fully fit into a man's world and understand a man's psyche because you've never lived it.

It's no wonder so many transgender individuals experience mental illness, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Sadly, they have created an unnatural body for themselves, and they feel out of place in society, just like this woman expressed. The more we lie to people about what "transitioning" actually does to people, the more people will live painful, unhappy lives—or worse, the more people will inch closer to suicide contemplation.

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