
Want That Bella Hadid Glow? Try These 10 Tips From Her Nutritionist

Bella Hadid’s radiant skin, toned physique, and overall wellness aren't just products of good genes—they’re the result of the renowned work of Dr. Charles Passler, who balances nutrition, exercise, and mental well-being.

By Carmen Schober3 min read
Getty/Victor Boyko

Bella Hadid’s health and wellness routine is a reflection of her chic yet grounded lifestyle—simple, effective, and rooted in both body and mind care. With guidance from her world-renowned nutritionist, Dr. Charles Passler, Hadid incorporates practical, actionable habits that promote both inner health and outer beauty.

Below are 10 tips from Dr. Passler that can help you glow from the inside out.

1. Wake Up with the Sun

Bella’s mornings begin in sync with nature—she sleeps with her window shades open so the rising sun wakes her naturally. Dr. Passler emphasizes the importance of establishing a morning routine that’s in harmony with nature.

He suggests starting your day with natural light and avoiding bright, artificial light immediately after waking, as this disrupts your circadian rhythm. Hadid also keeps her alarm in the bathroom to avoid snooze-button temptations. If you struggle with early mornings, try placing your alarm somewhere out of reach and opening your curtains before bed—this small adjustment can help you start your day with more clarity and less grogginess.

2. Five-Minute Morning Meditation

Before checking her phone or diving into her busy schedule, Bella dedicates five minutes to meditation. This practice allows her to ground herself, mentally prepare for the day ahead, and cultivate a sense of calm. She uses this time to visualize the emotions she wants to feel throughout the day, whether it's confidence, peace, or joy.

Research shows that morning meditation can improve focus, reduce stress, and set a positive tone for the rest of the day. Try incorporating five minutes of stillness into your own morning routine. Whether you’re focusing on your breath or practicing gratitude, a few mindful moments can shift the way you experience the rest of your day.

3. Earthing: Nature’s Stress Relief

One of Bella’s go-to wellness hacks is “earthing,” or grounding—walking barefoot on grass to reconnect with the Earth’s energy. Studies suggest that earthing can help reduce inflammation, improve sleep, and decrease stress. This simple yet powerful practice allows Bella to de-stress naturally, especially during busy travel days.

Taking just 10 minutes to walk barefoot in the grass or on the beach can help rebalance your body’s electrical charge and decrease cortisol levels, the hormone responsible for stress. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed or disconnected, a few minutes of earthing might be all you need to restore balance.

4. Compliment Others—And Yourself

There's good reason to believe in the power of positivity—not just for others, but for yourself, too. Complimenting friends or colleagues not only uplifts them but also helps improve your mood and reinforces a positive mindset. This ripple effect of kindness strengthens relationships and builds an environment of mutual support.

Dr. Passler has highlighted the psychological benefits of staying positive. By fostering positive thoughts and engaging in kind gestures, his clients create a mental environment that promotes emotional well-being. And don’t forget self-compassion—compliment yourself, too. A little self-love can go a long way in boosting your confidence and sense of well-being.

5. Eat Whole, Unprocessed Foods

Dr. Passler's nutrition plan is based on a simple rule: keep foods as close to their natural form as possible. His clients prioritize whole foods that are no more than one processing step away from how they appear in nature. For example, fresh tomatoes are preferred over canned, and if they're using tomato sauce, they should look for minimal ingredients like herbs and olive oil. Meals should also be packed with non-starchy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and bell peppers, which are nutrient-dense without being heavy.

According to Dr. Passler, eating whole foods gives your body the essential nutrients it needs to function optimally. Processed foods are often stripped of their nutrients and filled with additives, which can lead to inflammation and fatigue. To mirror Bella Hadid's approach, fill at least half your plate with colorful vegetables, healthy fats, and lean proteins.

6. Snack Wisely

Dr. Passler advises against snacking on simple carbs like chips or crackers alone, as these foods can cause energy crashes and mood swings. Instead, pairing a carb with a fat or protein helps slow the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream, keeping you feeling full and energized for longer. Instead of reaching for sugary snacks or empty carbs, his clients combine complex carbohydrates with protein or healthy fats. Hadid's go-to snack might be an apple with almond butter or a handful of nuts and fruit. This combo keeps her energy levels stable throughout the day without spiking her blood sugar.

7. Hydration Is Key

Dr. Passler recommends drinking plenty of water throughout the day to maintain proper hydration levels. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, and dry skin, so aim for at least eight glasses of water daily. Add a squeeze of lemon or a pinch of sea salt to enhance your hydration and keep your skin as luminous as Hadid's.

His clients avoid sugary drinks and instead opt for spring or filtered water, ensuring their bodies stay hydrated and their skin remains clear and glowing. Staying hydrated is not just about beauty—it’s also crucial for digestion, circulation, and energy levels.

8. Boxing and Strength Training

Dr. Passler emphasizes the importance of consistency over length in workouts. Hadid’s routine may be short, but it’s intense—focused bursts of activity that maximize results. Whether it’s a 20-minute HIIT session or a 30-minute boxing workout, the key is to stay active regularly.

Hadid's fitness routine is a mix of high-intensity boxing and bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and planks. Boxing helps improve her coordination, build strength, and release stress. To maintain her lean physique, she balances boxing with exercises that target her core and glutes, as well as Pilates to keep her muscles long and flexible.

9. Prioritize Rest and Recovery

Dr. Passler encourages prioritizing sleep as much as diet and exercise. Sleep deprivation can lead to a host of health issues, including impaired cognitive function and slower metabolism. If you want to feel and look your best, getting enough sleep is non-negotiable.

After her intense workouts, Hadid knows the importance of rest and recovery. She aims for 7-9 hours of sleep each night, giving her body the time it needs to repair and restore itself. Post-workout, she incorporates stretching or massages to keep her muscles relaxed and prevent injury.

10. Listen to Your Body

Dr. Passler’s philosophy is that wellness is a marathon, not a sprint. By tuning into your body’s signals, you can start to understand your hormones and create a sustainable routine that nurtures both your mental and physical health.

Above all, Hadid listens to her body. She doesn’t adhere to extreme diets or overexert herself at the gym. If she feels tired, she rests; if she has energy, she pushes herself in her workouts. This intuitive approach allows her to maintain balance and avoid burnout.

Closing Thoughts

Bella Hadid’s glow isn’t just about what she puts on her skin—it’s a reflection of her entire lifestyle. By integrating these wellness habits from Dr. Passler, you can create your own glow fueled by mental well-being, whole foods, and consistent movement.