
Prolific Late-Term Abortionist Exemplifies Democrats' Vision Of Women’s Rights In America

Election season is ramping up. Unfortunately, so is pro-abortion misinformation.

By Jacqueline O'Hara4 min read
Pexels/Brett Sayles

Just recently, I was spending some time with a friend who identifies as pro-choice. She told me she is voting for Kamala Harris because she thought – in line with Democratic talking points – that women would die without access to abortion. 

I gently pointed out that every pro-life law contains an exception to save the life of the mother. I then asked if she knew what abortion entailed and if she knew that babies are being aborted up to the third trimester and possibly later. I also asked if she knew that Democrats are fighting to ensure that every state across the country allows for abortions up until birth. 

Of course, my friend does not support late-term abortions, or really abortions at all. Like most women, she’s been spoon-fed Democratic talking points without an informed understanding of what abortion really entails. And, like most women, she would be horrified if she understood or witnessed the procedure. Yet, she at least knew enough to know that later abortions are taboo.

So, it was with shock and disgust that she insisted I must be wrong – that late-term abortion was a right-wing conspiracy. 

“Have you heard of Dr. Warren Hern?” I asked. She slowly shook her head. So, I explained to her who Dr. Hern is – and how he exemplifies the Democrat's vision for abortion in America. 

Dr. Warren Hern

Dr. Warren Hern is a prolific abortionist who has aborted over 40,000 babies since 1973. He currently operates in Colorado, which is one of eight states across the U.S. that do not have a single gestational limit for abortion, meaning that women in those states can abort their children up until the day of birth if desired. 

Hern’s practice in Colorado shows that this is really happening. Hern has proudly admitted to performing late-term abortions on babies up until the 34th week. It’s possible he performs even later abortions, considering that he has said that he is “reluctant to acknowledge any limit, any red line,” and that “the viability of a fetus is determined not by gestational age but by a woman’s willingness to carry it.”

“The viability of a fetus is determined not by gestational age but by a woman’s willingness to carry it.” – Dr. Warren Hern

Disturbingly, Hern’s actions match his words and his ethos that abortion should be performed no matter what if a woman wants one. According to Hern, later abortions are necessary because “every pregnancy is a health issue” and are even “therapeutic” if a woman “is not going to have a healthy baby.”

It’s important to keep in mind the manner in which Hern is ending so many lives. Hern once described a procedure he used to abort a 17-week baby. (Remember, babies can feel pain by 15 weeks.) He said, “I ruptured the membranes and released the fluid to reduce the risk of amniotic fluid embolism. Then I inserted my forceps into the uterus and applied them to the head of the fetus, which was still alive, since fetal injection is not done at that stage of pregnancy. I closed the forceps, crushing the skull of the fetus, and withdrew the forceps. The fetus, now dead, slid out more or less intact. With the next pass of the forceps, I grasped the placenta, and it came out in one piece. Within a few seconds, I had completed my routine exploration of the uterus and sharp curettage.”

Anyone reading Hern’s own description of how he barbarically ends human life might reasonably assume he must not believe unborn babies are human beings worthy of protection. How else could he so callously and graphically end so many unborn lives?

Once again, my friend protested – perhaps he did not know that this was a life. Wasn’t the baby just a blob of cells at this point? 

Well, I told her, by 15 weeks, unborn babies are fully formed and can feel pain. Most of Hern’s abortions take place after this point. Not only that, I added, Hern recently made a shocking admission.

“We have this ingrained, wired desire to support small, helpless creatures,” he said, “That is one of the reasons late-term abortion is difficult.”

These facts profoundly disturbed my friend, who would have thought I was exaggerating if the truth were not emphasized by Hern’s own words, testimony, and feature articles. 

Yet perhaps most staggering of all was that Hern’s own words destroy decades of pro-abortion euphemisms in one fell swoop. The fact that a prolific abortionist, who ends the lives of fully formed, pain-capable children, knows full well that he is destroying “small, helpless creatures,” is quite damning. 

Indeed, Hern drew back the curtain and obliterated any confusion for my friend and countless others who like to support the nebulous concept of abortion. 

Abortion for All

Tragically, Hern’s Colorado is currently a template for the Democrat’s vision of America. My friend’s shock at Hern quickly gave way to excuses – that this was only one abortionist in Colorado, and most weren’t like that. 

Yet aside from the myriad of other examples of pro-abortion extremists across the U.S. – including D.C.’s Santangelo, who is still somehow unscathed from the discovery of the “D.C. 5” – it’s important to remember that Democrats have fought for numerous policies that would enshrine abortion on demand into state and federal law.

Democrat-backed state ballot referendums, for example, are already enshrining mini Roe v. Wades into state constitutions across the nation. These effectively enshrine the “right” to abortion on demand, for any reason, and even possibly for minors without parental consent, into state constitutions. 

Some Democratic politicians like Tim Walz are even going as far as to vote against legislation protecting babies who survive botched abortions.

Democratic legislation, such as the Women’s Health Protection Act, also seeks to enshrine a federal “right” to unfettered abortion access. Not only that, but some Democratic politicians like Tim Walz are even going as far as to vote against legislation protecting babies who survive botched abortions. 

What Is Actually Pro-Woman?

At the end of the day, I told my friend, abortion is not really about protecting women at all. If it were, Democrats would focus more on supporting pro-life organizations that specialize in helping single moms overcome homelessness, poverty, and other barriers to keeping their babies. They would be fighting to clarify what life-saving care pro-life laws allow, rather than attacking the laws themselves and spreading confusion that has already resulted in two deaths. 

If it were truly about protecting women, Democrats would not be leaving vulnerable women at the mercy of those like Dr. Hern. 

This election season, it’s important to remember that little lives (and the hearts and health of their mothers) depend on our ability to do our research, effectively communicate, and ultimately change hearts and minds. 

Unfortunately, I may never know if this discussion changed my friend’s mind about abortion and “women’s choice.” But I do know that being informed about these crucial topics enabled me to at least pose an alternative point of view for her, one that hopefully planted a seed and will enable her to one day accept that abortion ends a helpless, innocent life, while robbing women of motherhood. 

As the election season nears its end, it’s crucial that we educate ourselves on these issues. Talk to your friends about issues like abortion. Be honest and tell them about Dr. Hern, and explain how his extremism represents the Democrat's vision for America – a vision that is likely incompatible with your friends’ own convictions. 

Don’t be afraid to speak the truth to those in your circles. More importantly, do remember to always speak the truth in love.