
We Asked Our Readers Which Policies They Care About The Most. Their Top Answer May Surprise You

Abortion? Title IX? Crime? The overwhelming number one answer may shock you.

By Carolyn Ferguson4 min read
Pexels/Julion Santos

In a recent survey on Instagram, we posed a critical question to our readers: "Which policies do you care about the most?" The responses reflected diverse priorities and concerns, highlighting the issues that resonate most deeply with women in today’s political landscape as we come up on the 2024 Presidential Election, but we narrowed it down to the top five issues that kept popping up.

And where does your preferred candidate stand on said issues? Does Donald Trump seriously support pro-life efforts after Melania’s memoir strongly advocates otherwise? Does Kamala Harris honestly support small business rights after a track record that says otherwise – not to mention proposing a new tax targeting small business owners?

When Taylor Swift went public with her endorsement of Harris a few weeks ago, she made it clear that the policies she cares about most are “LGBTQ+ rights, IVF, and a woman’s right to her own body.” These are certainly hot topic issues, but are they the most important? Our readers weighed in, and I have to be honest – I was shocked by the overwhelming number one issue that our readers cared about most. 

Let’s count down, shall we?

Evie Magazine
Evie Magazine

#5 Wars and Foreign Policy

Foreign policy and military engagement are critical areas of concern, and responses ranged from Ukraine, Israel, and more than one mention of “WW3.” Readers expressed varied opinions on the American role in global conflicts, with a clear consensus for advocating for diplomacy and reduced military presence.

Trump has promoted an "America First" approach, advocating for withdrawing troops from overseas conflicts and focusing on domestic issues. He often highlights the need for better deals and negotiations with other countries, appealing to voters both weary and wary of prolonged military engagements.

Harris, on the other hand, tends to favor a more diplomatic approach, emphasizing the importance of alliances and international cooperation. She advocates for strategic engagement and is vocal about human rights, appealing to those who prioritize America’s global standing and humanitarian efforts. Her administration doesn’t hesitate from offering economic support – case in point, sending $75 billion to Ukraine.

#4 Health

Healthcare, particularly the role of Big Pharma in drug pricing and “Big Food,” is a critical issue for many. Drug prices in the United States are the highest in the world. Readers voiced concerns about the high costs of medications and the need for transparency in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as better regulation on billion dollar multinational corporations that dominate the food industry and have significant market power and influence over food policy. In a word, we’re facing a crisis.

Trump’s administration took steps to lower drug prices through various executive orders, promoting competition among drug manufacturers. He has focused on ensuring that American patients pay less for medications, positioning himself as a candidate concerned with healthcare affordability.

Harris has also advocated for broader healthcare reforms, including a public option and regulations to cap prescription drug prices. She emphasizes the need for a system that prioritizes patients over profits, resonating with those who seek significant changes in healthcare policy. With Biden, Harris has lowered costs associated with mental health care.

#3 Abortion

Abortion rights have surged to the forefront of political discussions, especially following recent legislative changes, and it proved to be in the top three policies our readers care most about. Many of our survey respondents expressed strong opinions that the issue of abortion should remain with the states. When it comes to looking at Trump’s and Harris’ stances on abortion, it’s pretty clear where the parties’ preferences on this policy lie.

Trump has consistently supported restrictions on abortion, aligning with conservative viewpoints that favor limiting access. His administration enacted policies aimed at reducing funding for organizations that provide abortion services, the most notable of which was nominating Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, all of whose votes were pivotal in overturning Roe V. Wade

Harris, in stark contrast, has positioned herself as a strong advocate for nationwide abortion without restriction and uses emotionally charged rhetoric to make her case. (In the first presidential debate, if you care to remember that embarrassing event, Biden discussed the problem of people being raped by their brothers and sisters – you read that right: sisters. Needless to remind you, Biden isn’t running for president anymore. Thankfully.) Harris supports legislation that protects access to abortion and emphasizes the importance of bodily autonomy.

#2 The Economy

The economy is a paramount concern, particularly as inflation and job security loom large in many voters' minds. Readers emphasized issues like inflation, taxes, the housing crisis, and the rising cost of living – all issues that hit very close to home

Trump's economic policies centered on tax cuts, deregulation, and promoting American manufacturing – and they worked. The economy was strengthened, and the unemployment rate fell during Trump’s presidency. He has argued that his approach creates jobs and stimulates growth, appealing to voters looking for a boost in the economy.

Harris, in contrast, emphasizes equitable economic growth, advocating for increased wages, investments in education, and support for small businesses. Her focus on addressing income inequality speaks to those concerned about economic fairness and accessibility. Despite the economy worsening throughout the time that Harris has been VP, her new plan touts that, with Walz, they are “charting a New Way Forward – to a future where everyone has the opportunity not just to get by, but to get ahead.”

Evie Magazine
Evie Magazine

#1 Border Security and Immigration

But the number one policy that our readers cared about most? Immigration policy. Many expressed a collective view on the need for stricter border security while advocating for the importance of humane treatment for migrants and comprehensive reform. Maybe you’re not as surprised by this as I am, considering that an overwhelming majority – 78% of Americans, to be precise – think that the influx of migrants at our Southern border is a major problem

Trump has emphasized building a stronger border and implementing strict immigration enforcement, advocating for policies like the border wall and increased deportations. Let’s remember it was at this moment, during one of the stops of his current campaign, that he paused to point at an immigration chart, a move that saved his life in his first assassination attempt. His administration focused on limiting asylum applications and tightening immigration laws. Trump acknowledges the need to protect innocent American women and children from the countless illegal immigrants who have migrated and since committed heinous acts against U.S. citizens.

Harris, on the other hand, has championed a more "humane" approach, specifically geared toward illegal immigrants, advocating for reform that addresses the root causes of migration. She supports pathways to citizenship and the need for a compassionate immigration system, highlighting the importance of treating migrants with dignity.

Closing Thoughts

The policies our readers care about reveal that though there are many issues on the table, the vast majority come together to agree that these five policies need to be at the forefront of the national discussion. Each issue carries significant weight, influencing the direction of local and national policies, and they are each dealt with or approached differently by Trump and by Harris. 

As voters prepare for the upcoming election, understanding where candidates like Trump and Harris stand on these key issues is essential because, ultimately, it’s up to you to elect the new president. By considering these positions, individuals can make informed decisions that align with their values and aspirations for the future.