
The Real Meaning Behind The Controversial "MAGA" Slogan

You wouldn’t settle for a man who doesn’t put you first, so why settle for a government that puts you last?

By Andrea Mew5 min read
Pexels/Polina Zimmerman

A desire for improved quality of life isn’t racist, isn’t sexist, isn’t homophobic, isn’t transphobic, isn’t problematic – it’s normal. I was pleasantly surprised by an RFK Jr. tweet, where he clarified what “Make America Great Again” actually means to him in a “more generous interpretation.” 

When confronted by the phrase MAGA, many have this gut reaction to raise their guard and, frankly, get triggered. Some falsely assume it means revoking human rights and descending into Nazi-style fascism. Others might not have such extreme feelings, and instead, get a general ick for pride in one’s nation.

But, as RFK Jr. so eloquently put it, MAGA isn’t a call to return to less free times; rather, it “recalls a nation brimming with vitality, with a can-do spirit, with hope and a belief in itself.” Though we are in no way a perfect nation, he pointed out that we weren’t stagnating in shame by the acknowledgment of injustices – we could proverbially atone for our sins without sacrificing the celebration of successes.

“It was a nation of broad prosperity, the world’s most vibrant middle class, and an idealistic belief (though not consistently applied) in freedom, justice, and democracy,” he wrote. “It was a nation that led the world in innovation, productivity, and technology.”

What we have become, however, is a nation that is ashamed of itself. A nation that, in outsourcing our economy, has failed many middle and lower class citizens. A nation that would rather wilt in the face of adversity instead of standing strong and standing on values.

Patriotism and America First

As former candidate for president, Vivek Ramaswamy, said in his remarks to the Republican National Convention this year, being an American in 2024 means believing in the “ideals of 1776.”

“It means we believe in merit. The rule of law. The idea that the people we elect to run the government should be the ones who actually run the government,” he said.

Recall that America was founded after religious and political tensions in Europe were rising during the 1600s. Many were desperate to escape religious persecution at the hands of the Church of England. So, colonists came to the “New World” in an attempt to separate themselves from Europe and gain certain liberties.

“These aren’t black ideas or white ideas. They aren’t even red ideas or blue ideas. They are American ideals that we fought a revolution to secure,” Ramaswamy said.

In establishing the American colonies and eventually forming the constitutional republic we know today as the United States of America, our Founding Fathers created a once-in-a-lifetime experiment – and were rightfully proud of it. America has been recognized worldwide as a bastion for freedom – from economic to religious and more. 

MAGA emphasizes that people should feel a sense of national pride and connect with their American identity because, despite any flaws, we’ve benefitted from an exceptional country founded on exceptional principles.

Boosting the American Economy

Simply put, the MAGA take on our economy is to boost it by cutting certain taxes and regulations and trying to bring back American manufacturing jobs.

Though there’s nothing wrong with a healthy dose of international trade, a nation often considered the greatest in the world shouldn’t become reliant on other nations to provide goods.

MAGA, in this sense, means reinvigorating the blue-collar workforce. I’m sure you also get tired of always seeing “Made in China” or “Made in Vietnam” on your clothes, home goods, and food products, especially knowing just how poor the working conditions are for many of the laborers breaking their backs to fuel American consumerism.

According to his platform, former President Donald Trump’s Deregulation Policies saved Americans $11,000 per household. Another gut punch for the American taxpayer is how wasteful federal spending can be. In 2023, the federal government spent $6 million to boost Egyptian tourism, $38 million on Covid-relief funding for deceased citizens, and $200 million to famous music artists like Post Malone and Chris Brown – and that’s just a small selection of wasteful spending.

A few other MAGA takes on the economy include, but are not limited to, expanding the Child Tax Credit, eliminating Taxes on Tips, increasing domestic energy production, and defending cryptocurrency.

Rethinking Broken Immigration Policies

A significant part of MAGA is to focus on stricter immigration policies that reduce illegal immigration but continue the flow of legal immigration. While some view the MAGA approach as xenophobic, that’s far from the truth.

The fact of the matter is that entering into a country unlawfully is, well, unlawful. I wouldn’t just force my way into Japan and live there, expecting to be allowed to vote and receive government assistance, even though I really love Japan. 

The same principle should apply in America, but many modern Democrats believe in the free flow of migrants – rejecting the very fact that we should even have border and immigration laws. Oddly enough, this appears to be a newer sentiment within the Democratic Party – further proving to me that the progressive left has totally lost the plot when it comes to American priorities.

According to Trump’s platform, he’d ideally complete the Border Wall and secure the border by increasing immigration enforcement and increasing penalties for overstaying visas or illegal entry. Additionally, the MAGA platform would shuffle some Navy resources to inspect ships for fentanyl and deport people back to their home countries if they have entered our country illegally.

It’s not racist to want a functioning legal immigration system. A broken immigration system puts American citizens on the back burner, and as mentioned before, MAGA is all about putting the needs of Americans first.

Restoring and Revitalizing Law and Order

An America where women are afraid to walk their city streets alone, where concerned families watch as their loved ones fall victim to drug addiction, and where crime goes overlooked in the name of progressive criminal justice reform is not an ideal nation. Part of making America “great again” means reversing the policies and practices that have caused these issues to surge.

In Athens, Georgia, 22-year-old woman Laken Riley was out for a run in broad daylight when she was murdered. The main suspect was an illegal immigrant, Jose Ibarra, who had allegedly been known by authorities and was once even apprehended trying to cross the border. In Washington, D.C., a 2-year-old boy was murdered, and officials believe the perpetrator was illegal immigrant, Nelson Trejo-Grenados, who had a removal order in 2022 and was never deported. 

But it’s not just illegal immigrants posing a threat to public safety. Progressive prosecutors, many of whom are financially backed by billionaire George Soros, have subjected innocent Americans to a troubling experiment: just turn the other cheek when it comes to certain categories of crime! They say it reduces mass incarceration and, therefore, fixes broken families and recidivism rates, but the proof isn’t in the pudding.

Major cultural hubs like San Francisco and Seattle have been overrun by a deadly fentanyl crisis, thanks to Mexican drug cartels. MAGA supporters would assert that if we could better secure our border and support law enforcement, we could combat the cartel’s influence over American lives. If we can’t stop this historic drug crisis, public health officials say we risk “losing a generation.”

Cherishing Cultural Conservatism

Conservative values are regularly misunderstood by some on the left, who make blanket statements that conservatives want to return to archaic gender roles and mid-20th century culture. But, cultural conservatism doesn’t mean setting back the clock – it means preserving the productive elements of our Western culture.

It’s just a fact of life that a strong nuclear family leads to better outcomes for children than alternative structures. Progressive social policies that push for corporate girlbossery or delusions about gender identity strain the ability of impressionable young Americans to become parents in the first place. 

Many MAGA supporters resist the concept of “transgender” identities, not out of hate but out of compassion for what is confusion at best and social contagion at worst. Except for a very, very small percentage of the population with genetic anomalies, people born with XY chromosomes are boys and men, and people born with XX chromosomes are girls and women.

Whereas some on the left believe that gender is a mutable characteristic and that if someone with XY chromosomes takes enough hormones and cuts off the right body parts they qualify as a woman and should therefore be allowed access to girls' and women’s restrooms, locker rooms, and previously sex-segregated groups like sports teams or sororities, many on the right know this to be a perversion of biological truth

Furthermore, the MAGA view is one that wishes to protect babies, adolescents, and teenagers. Though the official MAGA stance is that abortion access should be up to each state, many within the MAGA movement oppose most cases of abortions unless in extreme circumstances such as rape, incest, or the potential risk of maternal mortality. 

This “pro-life” stance is also extended to healthcare for minors more broadly, as most in the MAGA movement refuse to support wrong-sex hormone therapy and “gender-affirming” surgeries for minors. These medical interventions either come with severe, long-lasting side effects or cause irreparable damage.

Another issue often tied to cultural conservatism is the MAGA stance to oppose progressive ideologies in education, particularly around the topics of social justice, Critical Race Theory, gender ideology, and historical revisionism. Many of these ideologies stem from cultural Marxism, which deconstructs Western traditions by portraying them as oppressive, unjust, and unequal.

But, ideologies that promote preferential treatment to one race or “gender identity” over another undermine fairness and individual achievement, MAGA supporters would say. The rise of identity politics has certainly made its way into classrooms, even having an effect on young grade school students, and risks sowing division based on identity instead of boosting unity and a shared American culture.

Closing Thoughts

MAGA, broadly speaking, prioritizes American interests across the board. Which, if you consider the role of government, makes a lot of sense. As a figure of authority, you should want your government to put your needs and the needs of those around you who are struggling above the needs of outsiders. Again, it’s not xenophobic – it’s basic nature. 

As a global superpower, we, of course, can provide aid to foreign nations in need, but that shouldn’t be the primary focus of government. You cannot pour from an empty cup, as the saying goes. The same principle stands here: American government putting Americans first isn’t selfish. This is the bedrock of the MAGA movement and one that serves as a guidepost for all policy stances.