Why The Rejected Men And Women Turn To The Red Pill Movement
The manosphere and red pill communities are full of insecure, dejected men and women. Why is that?

The “red pill” movement has become incredibly predictable. The conventionally attractive women in this space frequently share their “hot takes" and criticize other girls while putting men on a pedestal. They tweet a lot about being “traditional” and how they desire to be a stay-at-home mom with kids and a strong husband (all while grifting off their predominantly male followers, might I add). The men in this space do the same thing but tend to rage-bait more. They call the objectively gorgeous girls “mid” to farm engagement. They love using classical paintings or marble statues of Greek gods as their profile pictures. Sometimes, they’ll actually use an image of themselves and show off their fit physique. Usually, these “red pillers” tweet all day, every day. I would guess it’s because their friends are almost exclusively online.
Why the Red Pill Movement Is Attractive to Rejects
Of all the platforms, I’d say X is the most attractive to these lonely souls. X has a lot of niche communities: conservative and leftist groups, for example, the trans community; hell, even the pro-anorexia believers have their own little corner on X. The former bird app and insecure groups of people go hand in hand. X is about sharing your thoughts and unpopular opinions without repercussions, at least when you’re anonymous. Unlike in real life, these “rejects” can let out their frustrations on others and scold whomever they disagree with. The bonus is that they get dopamine hits while doing so and a nice sense of superiority when they get likes, a false boost in confidence. What's more, is that they actually draw in the people who agree with them. For once, they connect with like-minded individuals who can share their pain and acknowledge them.
We know that misery loves company. Sad people desire empathy from others and want people to genuinely understand their emotional state. It's easier to be around someone who can relate to their experiences on a deep level. Writer Gabrielle Gata explains it best in her own words: "I also suspect when someone is feeling down it’s more comfortable to be around those feeling similarly down, because there is familiarity in the lower energy. An emotional comfort zone. There is also peace knowing that that equally down person, won’t try to pull one out of the misery, because they’ll likely want to wallow in it together."
"There is familiarity in the lower energy."
Thus, the Andrew Tate fans who have been feeling lonely for a while finally gain friends on X who agree that they're not the problem; women are. Meanwhile, the red pill ladies who never got attention in their early 20s finally get it from the lonesome guys who get their feelings affirmed by these pick-me women. They all get to be angry and bitter together. These "trad" red-pillers establish their opinions as truths, stick to black-and-white concepts with little room for nuance, and form circle jerks. This binary way of thinking becomes their modus operandi, where they divide society into two categories: those who have taken the "red pill" (people who subscribe to their views) and those who are deluded (anyone who disagrees with any of their takes). All this gives the illusion of unanimity, a feeling that most people in the modern era desperately crave.
You might wonder how I can tell these people struggle with their self-worth. Most times, these insecure individuals remain unconscious of their own behaviors and thoughts. They operate on the survival paradigm of shame, fear, anger, desire, or hopelessness. Their tweets, for the most part, are automatic. And herein lies the obvious problem: many of their posts are simply projections.
X Users Are Human Projectors
I’ve witnessed this repeatedly in my three years on X: A woman shares a sweet post about her husband or boyfriend. Most comments she receives are positive, but some are from bitter people stating they’ll get separated soon because they’re in the honeymoon phase. A few find a way to make it about them. Others make up stories, like how the woman is only with her man because he’s rich or good-looking.
There were times when I’d look at the past tweets of these angry men and women out of curiosity. I did this to confirm my suspicions of them projecting; when someone displaces their innermost thoughts or feelings onto another. Instead of recognizing their own negative traits or unwanted emotions, they see it in other people. It didn’t take long for me to find these miserable people’s previous posts about their divorce, breakup, or loneliness. Ah, there it is, I would think to myself. So what does this say about the individuals – particularly in the red pill movement – who constantly bring other people down?
Allow me to give you an example. "Right-wing" commentator Pearl Davis is known for her strong, divisive stances on the gender discourse. She's made it her mission to demean women, and her advice to men is incredibly reckless. Pearl believes women shouldn't have the right to vote, criticizes their looks, tells men to get vasectomies, appears to normalize infidelity, and has claimed that "16 year old chicks are hotter than 26 year old chicks."
Her constant need to shame women has others suspecting that her actions stem from insecurity and that her hateful words toward other females mirror how she feels about herself. Recently, an hour and 30-minute long exposé on Pearl was uploaded by YouTuber J. Aubrey. Around the 27:39 mark, there's a video of Pearl talking about why she listens to the manosphere content, and her answer is pretty much what people have suspected about her all along. "I have one answer for you. Low self-esteem," she says. "From a young age, I haven't thought highly of myself. I never thought that I deserved a lot, to be honest. I never thought of myself as a queen. And I never thought of myself super highly."
Pearl continues, "From a young age, I was what you call 'humbled,' okay? Most of my friends were generally more attractive than me. I was never the hot friend. Most guys, even the average guys, they would ask me about my friend first. And if that didn't work out then they would come crawling to me. So, yeah, I would say low self-esteem."
Like other men who frequent the manosphere echo chamber on social media, Pearl listens to "alpha male" content because she lacks confidence. When you're constantly being rejected or can't find love, you begin to doubt your own worth and attractiveness. You start to wonder if there's something wrong with you. For a lot of people, this negative outlook develops into bitterness. Suddenly, it becomes easier to blame other people for their lack of success. Holding someone else accountable for their failures becomes the ultimate defense mechanism, it protects their ego. No one wants to admit that they're the problem. It's too painful. So maybe Pearl's negative feelings towards women are a reflection of her own self-image, and the same likely goes for her followers and close friends.
People may think I'm being harsh with this article. But since some red pill individuals like to tweet about being attracted to minors and perpetuate harmful narratives, I don't feel bad about calling their behavior out. Of course, not everyone in their community is toxic, I'm merely talking about the ones who have gone off the deep end.
These niche online communities offer a sense of refuge and belonging for individuals who constantly experience rejection or loneliness offline. The manosphere community has taken on a resemblance to the leftist groups they always critique. Instead of bettering themselves, they have embraced the victim mindset. This conformity, coupled with the illusion of belonging, has taken precedence over rational and critical thinking. Perhaps it's time for the red pill people to swallow a dose of self-awareness instead.
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