Why This Viral Red Pill Meme Is Actually An Insult To Men, Not Women
Several months back, you may have seen an obscene viral meme heavily circulating social media which depicted dozens of nude men holding flowers, lined up to take sexual turns on a promiscuous woman lying on her back in an indelicate position.

It was alleged to be a sharp criticism leveled at women suggesting they cheat, they’re disloyal, they’re untrustworthy, and they’re harlots and undercover liars. Red pill men who spread the meme have further expounded that "All women are trash and will never be faithful to any man because their personal trainer, work husband, and your best friend will steal them away from loser beta men who didn’t see it coming because, well, hypergamy or something."
It’s far more relevant and noteworthy to make the distinction that today’s men are at fault for women’s promiscuity, and the sheer hypocrisy behind this meme and its sentiments is startling. Today’s men have no bro code, no honor, no self-control, and no standards for how men should conduct themselves with promiscuous women.
Why is a meme depicting dozens of men with clearly no standards proudly lining up to sleep with the same promiscuous woman a “self-own” toward men? Why does it expose more nauseating dirt and depravity on modern men than it does on women? Let’s take a closer look…

No Honor Among Modern Men
The viral meme created by red pillers and/or the likes of 4chan users was meant to “expose” women’s sexual antics when it simply accomplished the opposite. It uncovered modern men’s loathsome lack of spirit and demonstrated they have no bro code and no honor.
Why is the personal trainer, the work husband, and your best friend conspiring to sleep with your woman instead of warning you that your woman is up to no good? Why are they not cluing you in on the fact that she is destructive in her behavior and values and has the aim to destroy all the men in her midst, including you? Instead, these men conveniently project, “All men are like that! We will take any vagina that shows up on the scene! If the opportunity is there, we will take it because that’s just how men are! We’re wired that way!”
If I were a man, I wouldn’t trust any of these corrupt losers around my wife, sisters, or daughters. And there’s a reason why, in the days of yore, more patriarchal men were incensed at the idea of their wife, sister, or daughter falling prey to the machinations of these scoundrels. They knew how damaging these lechers were to women. And Dad would mosey on out to the porch and point a shotgun in their faces and run them off.
But today, men who proudly spread this meme far and wide are exposing modern men to be dishonorable while standing by their conviction “That’s just how men are!”
If that’s the case, they shouldn’t continue to shriek about promiscuous women. And they should be ashamed of themselves for being willing accomplices with other disloyal, lecherous men.
Are They Desperate Men with No Standards Who Will Sleep with Any Woman?
A meme depicting a line of naked men out the door to have sex with the same woman is a reflection of modern men’s lack of moral standards and their distorted mentality toward women.
Why are they in such a state of desperation to sleep with women with a high body count? For all the criticism they level at women for “stacking bodies” as they endlessly gripe about, they seem to be more than willing to contribute to the problem of promiscuous women.
Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire posted a video about women’s body counts and referred to modern women as having “Ted Bundy level body counts” who “have had sex with entire stadiums full of men.” He asserts, “The fact is men care about body count simply because they do. And they should care about them.” Walsh then proceeds to describe several practical reasons men (and women too, he clarifies) should care about body count: increased chance of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, it could be a reflection of that person’s capacity for self-control and loyalty, and promiscuity is often an indication of low self-respect.
But in actuality, modern men don’t seem to care too much about a woman’s body count if they’ll sleep with them regardless. Then, as per usual, red pill men will play semantics and spout off, “Well, it’s just sex. We’re not committing to these women, so it doesn’t count.” In other words, they don’t care about a woman’s body count if they can add ever higher numbers to it – and if it’s not a woman they would consider to be a serious option as a wife.
If promiscuous women have a higher chance of having an STI, then why are men’s standards so low they will subject themselves to diseases like herpes by sleeping with the promiscuous women they judge out in the open but seem to idolize in secret?
“Because that’s just how men are! We will sleep with them regardless because that’s just what men do!” the red pill men respond – and then go on to shame women’s lack of loyalty, morality, and values.
They are quick to label women disloyal and immoral when they themselves are contributing to this problem while insisting women are the culprits.
It makes sense to ask, where exactly are men’s morals and values in this equation? Where are they upholding any standards and morals with women? They are quick to label women disloyal and immoral when they themselves are contributing to this problem while insisting women are the culprits. Women didn’t achieve high body counts to the tune of “stadiums full of men” without stadiums full of modern men being eager to sleep with them while fully acknowledging they are disloyal, immoral, and unclean.
Modern men continue to entertain promiscuous women, invest their time and resources in them, and give them endless amounts of attention and validation despite sleeping with “stadiums full of men.” And they will gladly do it for some “used up vagina” they deem is unsalvageable, damaged goods, and unsuitable for long-term commitment.
Gen X Men Made Us Act Right, or They Wouldn’t Give Us Any Attention
I hail from an old-fashioned era in the ‘80s and ‘90s where promiscuity in women was severely frowned upon by society and especially by men. Furthermore, men held each other accountable. “Hey man, that’s my brother’s wife. Leave her alone, or I’ll punch you in the mouth.” But nowadays, modern men will high-five each other for sleeping with their brother’s wife, ensuring no honor or bro code between men in conspiring to keep it a secret behind their backs.
Gen X men were more patriarchal role models for us. They had very high standards for how we were to behave and conduct ourselves; otherwise, they wouldn’t look in our direction nor give us the time of day.
These are not tall tales, nor is it an exaggeration. Gen X men expected us to be decent women, and rather than rewarding promiscuous behavior like modern men do today, they would shun us. We were to cover our bodies, keep our legs closed, have humility and a respectful attitude toward men, or they would relegate us to the dustbin of “trashy woman” iniquity.
They also had a very strict bro code. They would warn each other to avoid certain unsavory women: “Dude, I heard about her. My buddy told me she had a train run on her.” As soon as men got wind of these rumors, true or not, a woman was as good as dead and nonexistent to them. She was scarlet-lettered for life, and her reputation preceded her.
The fact of the matter is, modern men don’t care about a woman’s body count if they are not actively shunning them. Further, it’s hypocritical lip service by modern men who are so desperate to have sex with promiscuous women that they would never dream of saying no. Their very own memes expose this hypocritical disconnect in their mentality and lack of moral standards.
Closing Thoughts
Modern men seem to be oblivious that it takes two people to make a promiscuous woman: a woman with no standards who sleeps around as well as a man with no standards who also sleeps around. And a meme pointing fingers at women while depicting men standing in line to sleep with one promiscuous woman says much more about today’s men than it does women.
They insist that the work husband, the personal trainer, and their best buddy will sleep with a promiscuous woman, with no misgivings or reservations. Perhaps they should look more closely at themselves as a gender in relation to promiscuous women. Today’s promiscuous women didn’t stack up bodies to the tune of three digits or more without legions of desperate, thirsty men who only claim that promiscuity is a bad thing in public while clearly getting off on it in private.
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