Women Reveal Which Of Men's Hobbies They Find Unattractive
We asked women which hobbies men have are a turn-off – here are their top answers.

Last week, we covered the hobbies women have that men find off-putting. Curious? You can read their responses here. This time, we wanted to flip the script, so we asked our female followers which of men's hobbies turn them off.
The top answer – you probably guessed it – is video games! Many women also aren’t fans of men who watch anime, cosplay, or collect and paint figurines. While some mentioned sports and fantasy football, it seems a lot of them don't mind it as long as the man isn’t overly obsessed. Some answers surprised us, including hunting and fishing. If you’re curious about what else they had to say, keep reading.
Video Games

Dungeons & Dragons


Being Sports-Obsessed

Bar-Hopping and Drinking

Cigars and Vaping

Fishing and Hunting


Collecting Figurines



Making TikToks

Being a Gymbro
The answers that surprised us the most were CrossFit and Gymbros. Women agree that being fit is attractive, but obsessing over calories, spending endless hours at the gym, and taking thirst traps is not.

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