
YouTuber Colleen Ballinger's Fan Says Her Body Was Used As Entertainment And It Felt "Sexually Violating"

Last week, YouTuber Colleen Ballinger, 36, faced backlash for reportedly engaging in inappropriate parasocial relationships with minors. One fan has opened up about her experience with Ballinger, stating the content creator used her body for "entertainment," which felt "sexually violating." Is it possible the YouTuber is exploiting minors to cater to a more disturbing and mature audience?

By Nicole Dominique4 min read
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YouTuber Colleen Ballinger – known for her character Miranda Sings – is not getting rid of the controversial allegations anytime soon. Last week, the content creator faced backlash after previous fans came forward to allege that she engaged in highly inappropriate parasocial relationships with underage fans.

According to a former fan named Adam McIntyre, Ballinger sent him lingerie when he was only 13, and she sent him disturbing messages that asked about his virginity. In one screenshot of a group DM said to involve McIntyre, Ballinger asks, "What's your fav position?" and "Are you a Virgin?" The revelations promptly ensued outrage against Ballinger, who has yet to address the claims. Social media users now label her a "groomer" and a "predator" for purportedly manipulating young fans into supporting and buying her merch.

More recently, however, a young woman named Becky has come forward on TikTok to reveal her horrifying experience at the Miranda Sings show. Becky, then 16, attended one of Ballinger's shows and was called on stage to do a "yoga challenge." Not realizing what Ballinger was about to do, she enthusiastically approached the stage – and the YouTuber publicly humiliated her. Ballinger had the young girl lay on her back as she grabbed her ankles to spread her legs apart.

Realizing that her story went viral on the platform, Becky decided to go on TikTok herself to share her thoughts on the disturbing ordeal. "I was a fan of Colleen and all the Ballinger family for a very, very long time," she says. "And I think in this video, I was about 16."

The young woman explains that Ballinger's shows frequently had segments where she'd call people up on stage and that one of them was the "porn bit." Why would a show catering to mostly minors have pornographic material in it? Besides that, other people have noticed that Ballinger would frequently tweet on her Miranda Sings account – which is disturbing because most of the attendees of her concerts and shows appear to be preteens and teenagers.


Source: Reddit/@Dear_Material503

One writer who attended one of Ballinger's shows in 2017 wrote, "As 18-year-olds, my friends and I felt a little strange walking into the event, where preteens surrounded us. We very quickly began to wonder if we even should have gone to the show. However, because Colleen makes the show and performs her original songs, her not-so-innocent humor sometimes finds its way into the jokes, with the assumption that those who are too young for raunchy humor, won't understand it anyway." Indeed, I remember being a young teen and watching Miranda Sings videos myself.

Let's go back to Becky's TikTok video real quick. She continues, "That's why I was kind of trying to dress skimpy, so that I would be called up onstage and basically get degraded by Miranda. But I did not get called up for that. I got called up for the yoga challenge." She says that as soon as she stood up in the crowd, she saw Ballinger's "eyes widen" because she was not wearing pants.

"But for some reason, that didn't stop her from continuing. In fact, no adult at any point stepped in in the situation," she explains. "So we get to the point in the yoga challenge where I am laying down, and Colleen is spreading my legs basically as far as she can. She spreads them so far that you can see the spandex I was wearing under my romper."

The TikToker says she's glad she had something underneath her clothes. She describes the uncomfortable moment that was witnessed by many and mentions the image that captured the ordeal that another person, @ImJustZander, shared. "But that screenshot is the most important because that is the moment I will never forget," she says, "Where I was laying under Colleen, and she was smirking down at me while thousands of people were laughing. And I was terrified that my body wasn't covered enough." Becky also says she "basically felt naked, so it felt incredibly sexually violating."

"I was younger and my body was still developing, and I was still becoming comfortable with myself. So for her to use my body as entertainment on stage, really set my confidence back quite a lot," she adds. When Becky walked back to her car after the show, men stared at her in a "very predatorial way," different from how they looked at her before she was "exposed" on stage. This made her fear for her own safety.

"I literally did not feel safe leaving the venue," Becky recalls. "And I'm not saying this was sexual assault. Other people are debating that in the comment section. But as someone who has been sexually assaulted, this situation gave me that same feeling where it feels like you need to purge and clean out your insides. You know, just that nasty, gross feeling."

Unfortunately, there are several commentators on the platform defending Ballinger. "There's a couple comments on Zander's video, like, 'Oh, she signed up for that. Why is it such a big deal? Blah, blah,'" Becky says. "Colleen exploited my minor body for entertainment and money and did not protect my safety at this show." This scene may not seem like "a big deal" to some outsiders, but it is because Ballinger is an adult and Becky was underage. Simple as. She continues, "But this was really pretty scary for my teenage self and especially [as] someone who loved and looked up to Colleen. And I could never say anything because everybody loved her. But this is who she really is. She uses kids for her own gain."

Becky then warns parents to "think twice" about taking their kids to the Miranda show. "I would advise you to think twice," she says, "because you may come back with years of trauma, and I don't wish that on anyone."

Ballinger fans may try to defend her actions, stating that she's a "comedian" and an entertainer, but being inappropriate with minors has never been, and never will be, funny nor "entertaining" to me. Unfortunately, this isn't the only time the "comedian" exhibited strange behavior at her show. Another video shows Ballinger bringing a child on stage to act out giving birth, and she is apparently pretending to be her uncle in this segment. She says she "likes little girls" and that the minor "smells fertile" as she gets in between her legs.

It's almost like Ballinger's "humor" is catered to a certain audience that's not targeted to her typical demographic. "Are C&J clueless or intentionally baiting pedos for views?" asks one Redditor who uploaded two screenshots of Ballinger's YouTube thumbnails. One of them displays her kid with his mouth wide open.


Source: Reddit/@annonymousnugget

I'd like to think that she's not "pedo-baiting," but it seems YouTubers will do anything for clicks and views these days. Additionally, I've noticed that many YouTube videos meant for younger audiences have sinister undertones. I recommend all parents monitor the content their kids are watching. Likewise, if you're a parent and you're allowing your child to watch Miranda Sings, maybe rethink that.

Evie Magazine has reached out to Colleen Ballinger and her representative for comment.

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