Lisa Britton
Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Lisa Britton grew up the youngest of five children. Lisa attended school in both Halifax and rural Hants County; once she graduated, she made the courageous move to relocate to Los Angeles where she pursued her writing, contributed to international publications and became aware of major societal issues concerning true equality. Lisa is now actively fighting for intact families, valuing the sexes equally, and taking a special stand encouraging boys and men, recognizing the need to reduce the negative impact of fatherlessness on our girls and boys, thus leading to true male and female empowerment. Lisa also has a passion for cooking and food photography, and you will find her on weekends cooking Sunday suppers for family and friends.
Stories FromLisa Britton

Our Boys And Men Are Struggling—Here's What Needs To Change

Is America Finally Waking Up To Our Boy Crisis?

The Opioid Crisis: Men Are More Than Twice As Likely To Die From Drug Overdose…

Daughters Need Their Dads Too (Even When We’re Grown Up)

Fathers Are Important: The Intact Family Enjoys The Best Outcomes

Family Dinners Might Be The Most Important Thing You Do For Your Family

The Celebrity Lie Of Single-Mom Life As Glamorous And Empowering